People throughout the world long for peace. Satisfying this longing, however, requires a change of heart that is out of reach for everyone apart from God’s grace.
Counseling In Mission
Counseling is an intergrate part of mission. On My trip to Roatan, Honduras,as we ministered to the people,the medical team found women and children who had been raped and abused. Some had veneral disease that had gone untreated for aRead more…
Merciful Justice – Thankful Response to Christ’s Love
Philippians 4:5 has one of the most difficult translation challenges in Scripture. This challenge deals with one word, translated in multiple ways by various Bible versions. Putting this word into practice could not only revolutionize one’s dealings with others butRead more…
Bukal Life Care Journal 2012
Journal of our Counseling Center in Baguio City, Philippines
Divine Sufficiency or Divine Deficiency
Do you trust the Bible as the authority for all spiritual matters and also believe that the Bible is more than sufficient to deal with all aspects of life and relationships? If you answer “yes,” then you are on solidRead more…
Jesus IS Lord
This article focuses on a three-word phrase that is central to the Christian faith. The phrase, JESUS IS LORD, has only one meaning but has innumerable applications. This phrase encompasses all of human history—past, present, and future—and reveals the infiniteRead more…
Biblical Basics of Dealing with Problems
Whether one is a believer in Christ or not, there is no way to avoid problems (challenges) of life. God’s Word, however, provides ample guidance for followers of Christ to be overwhelming conquerors whenever they face and deal with problems,Read more…
Discipleship Must be Based Solely on the Bible
Most believers in Christ would agree, at least in theory, that Christ-honoring discipleship is based solely on the Bible. In practice, however, it is another matter. Surprisingly, true believers who trust the Bible completely regarding eternal salvation do not alwaysRead more…
Counseling Must be Based Solely on the Bible
God’s Word is changeless and remains as powerful and applicable to life today as it was for those living thousands of years ago. On the other hand, secular psychology and psychotherapy are relatively new approaches to address matters of lifeRead more…
Personal Communication that Requires Wisdom and Prayer
You could be growing in Christ yet not be able to immediately recognize how orwhen to communicate in certain situations. To honor God in your communication, be devoted to prayer and acquiring wisdom as a way of life.