Directions: Click the play button in the video window above to watch all videos from the session in order. Alternatively, you may advance to a specific part of the session by using the next arrow or by clicking the playlistRead more…
Waking Up to City Mission
Waking up to city mission can be an uncomfortable experience… A massive party went down at the sport’s bar, Raging Gull* across the road from us in Polokwane with some DJ or other drawing the crowds. Our pavements were fullRead more…
Craig and Moreland on The Church Condition and It’s Relevance on Indonesian Churches
In their (latest?) book, “Philosophical Foundation of a Christian Worldview” Craig and Moreland is proposing a view about the church’s condition as this: “…Despite their Christian commitment, they remain largely empty selves. What is an empty self? An empty selfRead more…
The Missional Church is not a New Thing
[This post can be viewed in original context here] The idea that mission should not just be a ministry of the church, one of its offered services, but actually a fundamental and foundational aspect of its whole life is atRead more…
The “Corporate” Image of Church: A High Powered Enterprise
Most contemporary churches today are becoming more and more like high-powered business enterprises. Business and corporate styles are being applied to church leadership, structures and strategies. These make-overs has given the church a “corporate” image, where a lot of pragmatismRead more…
Urban Poor Development Strategies
Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by Raineer Chu as an overview of the topic to be discussed at the Multiplex session on “Embracing God’s Global Urban Mission.” Responses to this paper through the LausanneRead more…
Sunday Lessons from Facebook
We asked the Lausanne Facebook Fan page the following question and recieved these comments: What did you learn on Sunday about representing Christ that you are going to put into action on Monday? Averell U. AragonNow then we are AmbassadorsRead more…
The class was full, only one person was absent and for a very good reason – he was sick. Soon we digressed and were talking about the church and someone mentioned the 12th commandment. being new to the AssembliesRead more…
The insignificance of Youth Ministry in sub-saharan Africa
The title if read at first value can be misleading and even question the intention. The intention is provocation which would lead to critique and question the authenticity of the Church in the region when it comes to Youth Ministry.Read more…
The Urban Ministry of Jesus and the Missio Dei
Dr. Sergio Lyra 1. Defining Our Terms Considering that the proper understanding of terms is essential to the understanding, we decided to offer a brief discussion about the meaning of mission, missiology and Missio Dei. It is true that aRead more…