The insignificance of Youth Ministry in sub-saharan Africa

The title if read at first value can be misleading and even question the intention. The intention is provocation which would lead to critique and question the authenticity of the Church in the region when it comes to Youth Ministry. Does the African church in the south of the equator have the base for meaningful holistic youth ministry? Do those who are raised in the Church look back and are greatful the Church contributed significantly? Can the youth in the community look up to the church and are attracted to it? Does the church have any theological process when it comes to youth ministry? How relevant is th church to youth transition and transformation?

Does the missiological enterprise of the African Church in the region have the response to the shifting and ever evolving needs of our young people? How well are those engaged with youth trained, equiped and resourced by the Church to effectively do the work? Does the church see, acknowledge and embrace youth ministry as an integral part of the Matthew 28:19 mandate? What is the significance?

What is your experience?