Part of the power of contemporary secularism is that it feels like a modern faith meta-narrative that provides an answer to all other faith perspectives. According to Paul’s devastating analysis, truth is the only remedy to futile thinking, darkened understandingRead more…
Unity in Christ: The Gospel Truth Dressed Up in Many Guises
I have had occasion to worship in many different churches: different denominations (Apostolic Faith Mission, Anglican, Assemblies of God, Baptist, Mar Thoma, Methodist, NCMI, Presbyterian, Roman Catholic, Vineyard), different countries (Bolivia, Lesotho, Mozambique, South Africa, UK, Zambia), different languages (Afrikaans,Read more…
To An Unknown God: The Risk and Challenge of Mission
I often wonder if Paul of New Testament fame would be welcomed if he stepped into the church today. He seems to be the kind of guy who could rock your boat. Paul and Barnabas fell out (and were laterRead more…
Are we all victims of our worldview?
A friend and I were talking about the story of David and Goliath. (Yes, I know it’s weird, but we really were talking about David and Goliath). I was complaining that people almost always mistake the story’s lesser point forRead more…
About me
I’m Stephen Bappi Baroi. I’m very interested to come to Cape town for Lausanne as a volunteer. I’m not Baptised yet. My whole Family & also my relative are Christian. I trust in God because he is our saviour. IRead more…
Experience a Conversation…
While enjoyingl the personal study for preparation of the upcoming congress, I continually enjoy participating in the myriad conversations and the broad spectrum of presentatons. Among those I have enjoyed thoroughly is the vid of Pastor Carlos Madrigal of TurkeyRead more…
Topic on Religious Persecution
I browsed through the topic list and found that there were no topics that related to the persecuted Church or on suffering as a Christian. May be I did not look hard enough and maybe there are conversations going onRead more…
Truth matters, Stand Up for Truth
This paper should be simplified for the lay people to understand easily. I agree with the notion that truth matters and it is important to stand up for the truth e.g. when faced with difficult situation, like in the caseRead more…
The class was full, only one person was absent and for a very good reason – he was sick. Soon we digressed and were talking about the church and someone mentioned the 12th commandment. being new to the AssembliesRead more…
What do you believe? … No, Really
Theoretical beliefs are listed; true beliefs are lived. One’s beliefs are rather easy to state, but authentic beliefs are tested in the crucible of life. With regard to true beliefs, the “saying” and the “doing” will be mirror images ofRead more…