Judgment or Explanation

Judgment or explanation There are many things that people judge and call it taking a stand.  You will get no argument from me that there are times where we must take a firm stand.  When there are views that areRead more…

Why did God create us mortal ?

Mat and John ConversationsBook: “On the Meaning of Life.” © 2010 Jaime Hinojos Part I : Why we don’t talk about these things? Mathew and John decided to get together to drink some tee and to talk about anything thatRead more…


中文和合本 检索结果 原文 strong number 解释    撒上3:7 rbd 01697 word 807, thing 231 [n m; 1439] 1a) speech 1b) saying, utterance 1c) word, words 1d) business, occupation, acts, matter, case, something, manner (by extension)   撒上3:21 rbdb 01697   撒下7:17Read more…


中文和合本圣经关于“默示”的检索记录共46项,如下: 撒上3:1 童子撒母耳在以利面前事奉耶和华。当那些日子、耶和华的言语稀少、不常有默示。   撒上3:7 那时撒母耳还未认识耶和华、也未得耶和华的默示。 撒上3:15 撒母耳睡到天亮、就开了耶和华的殿门、不敢将默示告诉以利。 撒上3:21 耶和华又在示罗显现、因为耶和华将自己的话默示撒母耳、撒母耳就把这话传遍以色列地。 撒下7:17 拿单就按这一切话、照这默示、告诉大卫。 代上17:15 拿单就按这一切话、照这默示告诉大卫。 代下9:29 所罗门其余的事、自始至终、不都写在先知拿单的书上、和示罗人亚希雅的预言书上、并先见易多论尼八儿子耶罗波安的默示书上么。 代下26:5 通晓 神默示撒迦利亚在世的时候、乌西雅定意寻求 神、他寻求、耶和华、 神就使他亨通。 代下32:32 希西家其余的事、和他的善行、都写在亚摩斯的儿子先知以赛亚的默示书上、和犹大、以色列的诸王记上。 伯4:12 我暗暗地得了默示、我耳朵也听其细微的声音。 箴29:18 没有异象、〔或作默示〕民就放肆。惟遵守律法的、便为有福。 赛1:1 当乌西雅、约坦、亚哈斯、希西家、作犹大王的时候、亚摩斯的儿子以赛亚得默示、论到犹大、和耶路撒冷。 赛2:1 亚摩斯的儿子以赛亚得默示、论到犹大、、和耶路撒冷。 赛13:1 亚摩斯的儿子以赛亚得默示论巴比伦。 赛14:28 亚哈斯王崩的那年、就有以下的默示。 赛15:1 论摩押的默示。一夜之间、摩押的亚珥、变为荒废、归于无有。一夜之间、摩押的基珥、变为荒废、归于无有。 赛17:1 论大马色的默示。看哪、大马色已被废弃、不再为城、必变作乱堆。 赛19:1 论埃及的默示。看哪、耶和华乘驾快云、临到埃及。埃及的偶像在他面前战兢。埃及人的心在里面消化。 赛21:1 论海旁旷野的默示。有仇敌从旷野、从可怕之地而来、好像南方的旋风、猛然扫过。Read more…

Who Made THAT Decision?

Grass roots informative summation. http://joebates.blogspot.com/2010/11/who-made-that-decision.html  

Are We Failing Our Life Study?

I have followed many blogs on this and other sites and have not gained a lot of insight or consistancy about why Christians don’t know more about the Bible.  I have attached my blog with this question, so please readRead more…

Church Failure

Robert D. Putnam and David E. Campbell wrote an article, Walking away from church, for the LA Times (10/17/2010) summarizing their recent book, American Grace. It seems that churches might want to hear what their research has uncovered. “As recentlyRead more…

Separating the holy from the profane

God is coming back for a spotless bride, and the Church is far from being so.  There will be oneness in the body of Christ based on love yes, but not at the expense of truth and holiness. The issueRead more…

Separating the holy from the profane

God is coming back for a spotless bride, and the Church is far from being so.  There will be oneness in the body of Christ based on love yes, but not at the expense of truth and holiness. The issueRead more…