The age group defined as “youth” in Asia is often different than the one defined in western countries. In my country, Indonesia, for example, people aged 30 often still live with their parents as long as they’re not married. EvenRead more…
Frieden den Nationen [Sacharja 9,10]
Anmerkung der Redaktion: Dieser Vorabbericht zu Kapstadt 2010 wurde von Dewi Hughes im Auftrag einer internationalen Beratergruppe geschrieben und ist eine Übersicht zum Thema „Ethnizität und Identität“, welches an der Multiplex-Session diskutiert wird. Zur Beratergruppe gehören: Claude Nikondeha [Burundi], GerardRead more…
Forgiveness: The first step in reconciliation
Forgiveness is at the heart of Christianity and is the “possible impossibility” that can be practiced by believers world-wide. Authentic (biblical) forgiveness is often overlooked in the lives of believers and, as a result, unity, love, fellowship, and witness areRead more…
Peace To The Nations (Zechariah 9:10): Ethnicity in the Mission of God
Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by Dewi Hughes on behalf of an international advisory group, as an overview of the topic to be discussed at the Multiplex session on “Ethnicity and Identity.” The advisoryRead more…
Migrant Workers in the Gulf- A Story of Anita
Anita* provides forensic and dispute consultancy service on behalf of Ernst & Young, an international business advisory firm in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. At 21, she was hired at E&Y’s* Kuwait office and was transferred to Dubai, UAE as theRead more…
Paradigms of Ethnicity
Five Paradigms of Ethnicity There are hints of ethical ideas in the words ’positive’ and ’negative’ in these titles and I have drawn from these two basic concepts in developing the following five paradigms. Please offer comments on any orRead more…
Ethnic identity is a part of God’s plan
If a session on ethnicity was started by asking the audience to write down the first words that come into their minds when they hear the words ‘ethnic’, ‘ethnicity’ or ‘ethnic identity’ the commonest word that would emerge in feedbackRead more…
Diversidad Etnica y El Reino de Dios Spanish
Lausanne World Pulse March 2010 “Algunos Principios del Reino de Dios en Relación a la Diversidad Étnica” Víctor H. Cuartas, D.MIN. Instructor de Ministerio Práctico y Misiones Global Universidad Regent, Virginia Beach, Virginia [email protected] Sobre el autor Víctor H.Read more…