“To research” is a concept from Latin, composed with the particle “Re”, that is a frequentative emphasizing upon “being back, repetition” from or of a fact or an action; and from the verb “to search”, deriving also from a verbRead more…
Is God the origin of scientific research ?
It’s written in the Bible that God is Unfathomable, i.e., that we cannot have, by means of research, access to Him within all the size of His dimensions; even when the Planet Earth itself and all its energetical resources wouldRead more…
You Were Made to Last Forever
You were made to last forever. This sounds pretty amazing. We all pass funeral homes and cemeteries that argue otherwise. As a hospice chaplain ministering in the shadow of death I comfort hundreds of terminally ill patients and their families. Frequently I talkRead more…
Global Mission and Cultural Transformation – William Carey
It is not accurate to merely mention 18th/19th Century missionary William Carey as an inspiration for global mission. His legacy, and the breadth of his involvement and influence in Indian life, does not allow us to pass by him soRead more…
Ktiktismadulicity, one of the peccatological laws of the Sin controlled by the principle of plummediatoduumnicity.
Ktiktismadulicity (<Greek, ktisma, “creature”, doulikos, “related to worship, service”, from doulia, “worship, and service”) that is the worship of creature to creature, has the following verse as biblical root: “They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshippedRead more…
Up’dating the list of sins or prior determination of the guiding principles that control the laws of the Sin?
As long as we remain again before the last Judgment and out of the Celestial Jerusalem, the prince of the world will continue his work of inspiring agents acquired for himself to invent or find more evils of all kinds.Read more…
Up’dating sins list or predetermination of the guiding principles of the Sin? / Actualisation de la liste des péchés ou prédétermination des principes directeurs commandant les lois du Péché?
As long as we remain again before the last Judgment and out of the Celestial Jerusalem, the prince of the world will continue his work of inspiring agents acquired for himself to invent or find more evils of all kinds.Read more…
Was Cape Town 2010 Scripted by the West?
I have been hearing a lot about this — that the Western Christians dominated the programm of CT2010. Were pulling the strings, scripting the whole thing. I am disturbed by this debate. I feel we’re missing something, or some oneRead more…
Effective Method(s) for Christian Outreach to Muslims
I recently participated in a panel discussion at Wheaton College. The panelists—seven in total—were Christians of Muslim background who are natives of various countries with minority and majority Muslim populations. The moderator asked us various questions, among them, “How longRead more…
Closing Ceremony – Distribution of Bread and Wine
The Closing Ceremony continues with the distribution of Bread and Wine and the songs Kyrie Eleison, Behold the Lamb, the Power of the Cross, In Christ Alone and the Post Communion Prayer. (6 of 7 – See All) Download OptionsRead more…