Leaders generally seem to feel confident in their leadership abilities when they see subordinates carrying out their instructions without error or backlash. However, I see an important element missing in that assessment. To me, leaders are only true leaders onceRead more…
Sharing Jesus in a Web 2.0+ World
While the message doesn’t change, the way we share it does! Sharing Jesus in a Web 2.0+ World provides believers with links to free presentation, organization, collaboration and networking tools for use in their ministries, as well as helpful informationRead more…
Humility: God’s Path to Edification & Exaltation
Humility is a necesssary trait for effective ministry and leadership. Humility is also the path by which we all came to Christ. Predictably, humility is a gift from God and is seen most notably in believers with a dynamic andRead more…
Authentic Leadership: Identifying our Blind Spots
As a proponent of the need for leaders to identify their strengths and giftedness, I’ve advocated various inventories that seek to help identify one’s abilities and gifts knowing this will often lead to the ability to better use, and perhapsRead more…
God Always Answers Prayers but Not As We Think
Believers have at least 8 biblical responses when prayer answers are not readily observable. This article lists these responses (with verse references). God’s three answers to prayer are “yes, no, or not now.” His answers to prayer are given to bring HimRead more…
A Prayer for Weary Leaders
As a former church planter in France, I remember weariness. There were times I’d fly back to the states for writing related work. I could barely share my story without saying words like, “I feel like I’ve been through aRead more…
Whoops! I think my ego is showing.
Graham was a local pastor from a free church somewhere in the depths of Europe. His call to leadership was clear to him; he had felt that God had put his ‘mighty hand’ on him and had gifted him toRead more…
The Gospel & International Studies
Globalization, one of today’s trendiest buzzwords, is nevertheless an amazingly potent force. The world economy has become porous beyond imagination. Existing transnational alliances, treaty organizations, and long-standing boundaries are now fading in significance. The word “Europe” now refers to aRead more…
We Have A Problem! – But There Is Hope!
Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by Jane Overstreet, on behalf of the Lausanne Leadership Development Working Group, as an overview of the topic to be discussed at the Multiplex session on “How To BuildRead more…
We Have A Problem! – But There Is Hope!
Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by Jane Overstreet, on behalf of the Lausanne Leadership Development Working Group, as an overview of the topic to be discussed at the Multiplex session on “How ToRead more…