Divine Sufficiency or Divine Deficiency

Do you trust the Bible as the authority for all spiritual matters and also believe that the Bible is more than sufficient to deal with all aspects of life and relationships? If you answer “yes,” then you are on solidRead more…

Biblical Basics of Dealing with Problems

Whether one is a believer in Christ or not, there is no way to avoid problems (challenges) of life. God’s Word, however, provides ample guidance for followers of Christ to be overwhelming conquerors whenever they face and deal with problems,Read more…

3 Perverted Church Planting Motives

Recently, I’ve noticed a couple interesting posts related to church planting along the lines of “here is why shouldn’t try to plant a church”.  As a church planter and supervisor/mentor of church planters it seems appropriate for me to offerRead more…

Church Discipline and Restoration Process

One of the most vital, yet overlooked, aspects of a church’s life and ministry is the discipline and restoration of fellow believers overtaken in sin. This loving procedure is outlined with associated verses for your study and use.

Church – Do You Know What it Means?

Is your understanding of church primarily associated with buildings, programs, worship music, missions, pastors, fund-raising, corporate structure, scheduling, and age-level ministries? If so, then a review of the biblical perspective of church could be very helpful and enlightening. Basic toRead more…

O Calvinismo como Ideologia na Revolução Inglesa

ara uma melhor compreensão sobre como ocorreu o fenômeno do Calvinismo que se espalhou por toda Europa tornando-se responsável por grandes mudanças nos campos políticos, sociais, religioso e econômico, faz-se necessário entendermos alguns conceitos. Para isso, buscaremos fundamentar nossa análiseRead more…

What Do You Believe – No, Really

Theoretical beliefs are revealed by “what you say” but true beliefs are revealed by “what you do.” Hopefully, in great challenges, what we say corresponds to what we do. For believers in Christ, true beliefs (what we say and do)Read more…


 “Porque muitos são chamados, mas poucos escolhidos”. » Mt. 20:16. É muito gratificante quando o Espírito Santo nos faz um convite para trabalharmos em prol do Reino de Deus. Nos sentimos lisonjeados e honrados em laborar para o Senhor, issoRead more…

The Futility of Forgiving Yourself

Forgiving yourself is NOT a biblical perspective. That statement is often surprising in light of the avalanche of material that promotes the “need to forgive yourself.” However, when there is no verse that even hints at the “need to forgiveRead more…