“Deixai vim a mim as criançinhas”

Dia 12 de Outubro no Brasil se comemora o dia da criança, vejo uma otima oportunidade para a igreja estrategicamente alcançalas .

Why don’t we let young people lead more in church?

Fear they will mess it up?  Not enough experience?  Not had theological training? Worry they may say or do something inappropriate? Or could it be that down through history that those with the power whether in politics, communities and churchRead more…

‘There are no unreached children’

The church should reach children by its unique calling and choice.  I have the blessing of a church started with children and now filled with them.  Most of them are from other faiths.  They lead in the worship, prayers andRead more…

Evangelism in Indonesia needs funds

Effective Evangelism in Indonesia is the method of Social Affairs. One was to help poor children and poor families. But the pioneer or evangelist needs funds for it. Regard Evangelist Johannes Sibarani

Response to Unreached Children paper

Very simply: Seems very western-slanted; children in west are overly watched, nurtured, and honored Seems to be more theoretical than addressing real issues of majority world Church in majority world needs to learn a value of teaching children in theRead more…