Esta es la GENERACION NOW_ tode es en este INSTANTE Todas las Generaciones viven algún tipo de Revolución! En la Antigua Grecia vivieron la revolución Filosófica, a principios del siglo XIX la revolución Industrial, mas recientemente en las ultimas décadas seRead more…
Todos tenemos en lo mas profundo de nuestro ser un Temor a que nuestra existencia sea insignificante, nos preguntamos; Cuanta Gente ira a mi Funeral? Hare Historia? Lograre cumplir con las espectativas de la gente a mi Alrededor? CunadoRead more…
I want you InPUT… I am a youth leader; and we all know that youth are Globolized now day; so from your world View… What will it take for us to take the love of JESUS to then inRead more…
Help! Youth is leaving the church! Youth does not know! Who cares?
Unseen, unheard, they just disappear. That is what is true for thousands of youth a month in Europe and beyond. And then there’s the millions who have no church connection at all. Do the churches care? Do we care atRead more…
Evangelism and the culture in and around you
Over the years I have worked with several groups of young people, who were about to step out in evangelism in the Netherlands (and other countries), mainly to be in contact with other youth. One of the areas we workedRead more…
Full Session: Africa, Next Generations – Plenary 3
Directions: Click the play button in the video window above to watch all videos from the session in order. Alternatively, you may advance to a specific part of the session by using the next arrow or by clicking the playlistRead more…
10 Commands Study: Children’s Review Questions (1st 5)
Sunday School Series Materials for 10 Commands Study in our Nepali Church. Here are some simple review questions we are using to review information from the first 5 commands. These are the children’s version questions.
Orphanages Can Be Greatly Used by God!
(Why We Cannot Just Leave Street Children on the Street) It is very discouraging to read articles which are basically negative in regards to caring for orphans and street children in orphanages. Of course, a loving home is better thanRead more…
There Are No Unreached Children
Editors’ Note: This is an advance paper for Cape Town 2010, written as an early draft of content to be discussed at the multiplex session on “There are No Unreached Children.” Responses to this paper will be fed back toRead more…
Pre-Lausanne Declaration on Children and Violence
From April 27th to the 29th, 2010, a group of 26 representatives of networks and regional ministries, ecclesiastical leaders, national coordinators for Lausanne, as well as regional directors of ministries that work with the emerging generations (boys, girls, and adolescents)Read more…