Revealing Indian Philanthropy

This is a link to a very interesting book on philanthropy in India. A must read for anybody interested in resource mobilisation in India.

Muslims give more to charity than others, UK poll says

LONDON — Muslims give more money to charity than people of other religions, according to a new British poll.   More than three in 10 Muslims, Catholics and Jews donated money during 2012, ICM Research found. Followers of Islam gave an averageRead more…

The World in a City and We’re Still People-Blind!

In 2003, my wife and I moved from Oklahoma to Chicago fully expecting that we’d just be passing through.  In fact, we began our application process for the International Mission Board (IMB) right away and planned to move overseas as soon asRead more…

The Frontier of Mission Advance is Shifting

During my recent tour through Michigan teaching the infamous “Lesson 14” of Perspectives(“Pioneer Church Planting”), one of my primary emphases was that in the 21st century, the frontiers of mission are shifting radically.  In the latter part of the 20th century, RalphRead more…

Seven Attributes of a Generous Church

Visit the website to download a seven-page white paper that outlines the seven common attributes of generous churches. These attributes include: The role of leadership in the generous church How vision and generosity are connected in a deeper way thanRead more…

Provision & Wealth Overview

In this overview article of the Theology of Work Project (WWW.THEOLOGYOFWORK.ORG), the emphasis is on God’s intent for how we handle wealth. The article explores: God’s original intentions regarding provision and wealth The impact living in a fallen world hasRead more…

Generous Church Magazine May 2013 Issue

The May issue of a new magazine focusing on generosity and giving especially for churches. There are very interesting stories about Christian givers, events, ministries and much more. 

evangelizacion mundial

Según leemos en Marcos 16: 15, queda claro que en el primer encuentro que Jesús tuvo con sus discípulos después de resucitar les mandó: “Id por todo el mundo y predicad el evangelio a toda criatura”. Lucas en el libro deRead more…

Global Generosity Network May Newsletter

The Global Generosity Network Newsletter for May 2013 with featured articles on: 1) A reflection on Paul’s theology of generosity by Dr. Kar Yong Lim of the Seminari Theoloji Malaysia (Malaysia Theological Seminary) in Seremban, Malaysia;  2) A report on aRead more…