Poverty And Wealth

As a development practioner I have always been focused on the issue of Poverty and how to fight it. As a Christian , my focus is on the marginalized, the overlooked and downtrodden- and this too has called for aRead more…

Introducing The Prosperity Gospel Debate

Since the 1980s, the Prosperity Gospel has become one of the doctrinal emphases of contemporary Christianity. Although it is found widely in some continents and countries, however, is often associated with leaders and preachers associated with the Pentecostal and CharismaticRead more…

Resource Stewardship

It is not easy to start a new blog. Especially on a theme such as ‘Resource Stewardship’! And that for an important discussion such as the Lausanne Global Conversation! Perhaps it is good to start with a short introduction ofRead more…

The Theology of Prosperity

The Lausanne Global Conversation (LGC) is an opportunity for Christians around the globe to wrestle with important issues related to world evangelization, in connection with Cape Town 2010, the Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization. One of these issues isRead more…

The Almanac of American Philanthropy

Philanthropy in America is a giant undertaking—every year, more than $360 billion is handed by individuals, foundations, and businesses to a riot of good causes. Rates of giving are two to 20 times higher in the U.S. than in comparableRead more…

The Almanac of American Philanthropy

Philanthropy in America is a giant undertaking—every year, more than $360 billion is handed by individuals, foundations, and businesses to a riot of good causes. Rates of giving are two to 20 times higher in the U.S. than in comparableRead more…

The Almanac of American Philanthropy

Philanthropy in America is a giant undertaking—every year, more than $360 billion is handed by individuals, foundations, and businesses to a riot of good causes. Rates of giving are two to 20 times higher in the U.S. than in comparableRead more…

Wealth-X index show ultra-rich philanthropy on increase

The UK’s wealthiest people are some of the top givers globally, according to a report on ultra-wealthyphilanthropy by Wealth-X. Wealth-X records more than 211,000 ultra high net worth (UHNW) individuals globally with at least US$30 million in net assets, and theRead more…

Why This Data Nerd Isn’t Sold On Effective Altruism

The Effective Altruism cadre wants to tell you where to donate your money. They claim these recommendations are based on rationality, effectiveness, and efficiency and that any thinking person would agree with their rankings. It is easy to believe theyRead more…