Kingdom Relationships of Trust – A response to Mark Avery

To facilitate a truly global conversation, we ask Christian leaders from around the world to respond to the Global Conversation’s lead articles. These points of view do not necessarily represent the Lausanne Movement. They are designed to stimulate discussion fromRead more…

God’s Healing Presence in My Life

Joni Eareckson Tada discusses the emotional and spiritual struggles she experienced following the accident that paralyzed her, and explains how she found peace by learning to accept her condition and trust in God. Focus on the Family Radio Broadcast RelatedRead more…

Anchors of Hope for Any Trial

All of us have experienced trouble in our lives, and most of us have helped or tried to help others who were going through difficulties. When trouble comes—and it surely will—believers in Christ are to trust the perfect and completelyRead more…

Grace, Mercy, and Peace

These three words—grace, mercy, and peace—are recognized by believers in Christ but often “brushed over” when these words are read in Scripture, heard in sermons, or spoken in spiritually oriented conversations.This overview is prayerfully presented to increase your awe andRead more…

Joyful and Worry Free

When believers are at peace, they are free from anxiety and worry; and consistent prayer is integral to that result, as Philippians 4:6 indicates. The word for “anxiety” or “worry” in this verse means “to be stretched apart” or “toRead more…

God is Faithful …. How could we forget that?

God’s faithfulness is the strong foundation ungirding our lives and endeavors that bring glory to Him. His faithfulness is the anchor that has held believers steady throughout history. Click on the URL below for a refreshing reminder of our faithfulRead more…

Are you able?

Our spirit may be willing to do what is good and right, but too often our flesh is weak.Read more…