Compassionate Grace in the Midst of Suffering

     Alongside a suburban maze of intersecting streets lie several acres of dense woodland.  A nondescript gate separates the solitude of this natural oasis from the hub-bub of its man-made surroundings.  Nestled in seclusion beyond the view of the passer-byRead more…

Suffering and ministry – an interview with Ajith Fernando

Yesterday afternoon I had the privelage of participating in an interview with Ajith Fernando. The interview was arranged by Jon Hirst who heads up the Lausanne Blogger Network. Please also see this article by Jon Hirst on the Lausanne Blog (Barriers don’t equal thwartedRead more…

The Poor, Blind, Lame & Crippled

[READ FULL TEXT HERE] (EXCERPT:) “. . . And so I got to thinking, what if we really did go out and do that?  What if we had specific church plants that were focused entirely on bringing in the disabled? .Read more…

I prefer comfort over lordship.

I just finished the book, The Heavenly Man. What struck me about it was Brother Yun’s use of dates. I found myself paralleling his life (not in what I suffered, but what I was going through at the time ofRead more…

C.S. Lewis: The Problem with Pain

The existence of suffering in a world created by a good and almighty God—“the problem of pain”—is a fundamental theological dilemma, and perhaps the most serious objection to the Christian religion. C.S. Lewis 1898-1963 Known to his readers as aRead more…

Martyrs of Love

Comfortable Christians will produce more comfortableChristians. Martyrs will produce more martyrs.Read more…