Pretty Woman

[NOTE: Bhutan is a small Buddhist kingdom in the Himalaya Mountains.]Dasho Kinley Dorji, former chief editor of Bhutan’s Kuensel News Corp, feels his country is going through difficult times, on the road to a complete destruction of the country’s valuesRead more…

Using Thin Paint and Throwing Logs

I want to throw out a couple thoughts to you all and see what you think. It has “something” to do with chronological storying, but it has more to do with the context in which we tell our stories.  First,Read more…

Meaning is Found in Context

For a word, there is no meaning outside of context. In a way, that is also true for stories. Consider an iceberg. When we tell or hear a story, all that is understood about that story is the tip ofRead more…

Have you met Jesus?

Have you ever been asked who was the person who had the most influence over your life? I seem to be asked that question a lot. My answer is always the same. My grandfather is the one person who taughtRead more…

Feed My Sheep

Because of the orality of many emerging pastors of new house churches, I have concern for equipping and empowering these leaders to be competent to feed their people spiritually. In places where rapid church growth is taking place many ofRead more…

That All May Hear

Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by Grant Lovejoy as an overview of the topic to be discussed at the Multiplex session on “How To Communicate the Truth to Four Billion Oral Learners.” Responses toRead more…

Creating & Defining Space: Role & Value of Story

“If this is your land, where are your stories?” Edward Chamberlin asked in his book by the same name. This question carries with it the impact of a doubled-edged blade: Not only do the stories of a people define whoRead more…

What is the gospel?

You can read the entry here.   What is your definition of the Good News?

Get down on your knees

I was facing a federal indictment and 5 years in prison for something I didn’t do. But, God saw otherwise. The following link is a visual and narrative metaphor for what I was going through. Has anything like thisRead more…

What Pilot Said to Gauis One Night

“It suddenly closed in on me Gaius, the impact of how trapped I was. The proud arm of Rome with all its boast of justice was to be but a dirty dagger in the pudgy hands of the priests. I was waiting in the room, Gauis …”Read more…