You’ve tried sermons. Sermon series. Special offerings. The “ask.” Finance committees. Stewardship campaigns. And none of it seems effective at truly making biblical stewardship part of your church’s culture. Talk about frustrating! Here’s the thing, though: Stewardship—understanding that God ownsRead more…
My New Free eBook : Breaking The Tear Cocoon & Sermon Digest
I have recenlty published 2 new eBooks: Breaking The Tear Cocoon (free) @ ISBN9781310391972 Sermon Digest @ ISBN 9780620650786 Stay blessed in Christ Pr Paddick Laus Deo Ministries Intk
Can We Talk About Money at Church?
Over the next few weeks, folks who attend churches following the Revised Common Lectionary (a pattern of readings following the church year) will be treated to a number of parables in Luke’s Gospel that have to do with money. Luke,Read more…
Theology of Money Class
In 2007, Randy Alcorn taught a Tehology of Money class at Western Seminary in Portland, OR. These are the resources (videos, audio clips, powerpoint files, etc) from the class. This is brilliant teaching. Download it and use them in yourRead more…
Sermon from Matthew- The Challenge of Following Jesus
“THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW” The Challenge Of Following Jesus (8:18-22) INTRODUCTION 1. As Jesus went about His earthly ministry, He was often followed by large multitudes… a. Drawn by His teachings – Mt 7:28-8:1 b. Attracted by His miracles –Read more…
Inside-Out Living
This message by pastor Tim Keller has helped me cultivate a gracious tone in my service with Jesus.
What Pilot Said to Gauis One Night
“It suddenly closed in on me Gaius, the impact of how trapped I was. The proud arm of Rome with all its boast of justice was to be but a dirty dagger in the pudgy hands of the priests. I was waiting in the room, Gauis …”Read more…
Love Matters Most
This is a sermon taken from the small group study by Rick Warren called 40 Days of LoveRead more…
Life as a Home (Psalm 1)
A message on Psalm 1Read more…