Generosity videos, articles and devotionals on the Internet

The Internet makes it today possible to access videos, articles, electronic books, devotionals and other material very easily. Most generosity ministries mentioned in the information list on the 25th of July (Wednesday) have very extensive generosity resources that can beRead more…

Generosity training and courses

Generosity and fundraising training is one of the greatest needs that we in the Global Generosity Network experienced the past few months specifically. Many generosity ministries mentioned in the generosity ministries resource list on Wednesday offer good training programmes. ThereRead more…

Generosity resources – Generosity focussed ministries

Christian generosity is not a new phenomenon. The whole Bible is a depiction of the generous God who blesses people with resources so that they can bless others with those resources. Christians throughout the centuries understood this Biblical generosity andRead more…

Generosity Resources Overview

One of the aims with the Lausanne communication focus on a specific ministry area, is to provide information on resources. From today (23 July) till Tuesday the 31st of July I will reflect on various kinds of generosity resources takingRead more…

The Mutuality of Ministry – A response to Rob Martin

To facilitate a truly global conversation, we ask Christian leaders from around the world to respond to the Global Conversation’s lead articles. These points of view do not necessarily represent the Lausanne Movement. They are designed to stimulate discussion fromRead more…