The Greatest Act of Generosity, Ever

What is the greatest act of generosity in the history of the world?  There are a lot of potential answers that come to mind.  And to be fair, a few other articles have already taken a stab this subject.  ForRead more…

Two Famous Men With A Dead Body

                               Two Famous men with a Dead-body These two persons we find in the concluding chapters of 4 gospels-(Mt: 27:57-60, Mk.15:45-47, Luke.23:50-53, Jn.19:38-42), were no, ordinary persons. The above scriptures tells us that Mr. Joseph from the town of “ArimatheaRead more…

Emerging Technologies and the Human Future

Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by Nigel Cameron and John Wyatt as an overview of the topic to be discussed at the Multiplex session on “Ethics, Emerging Technologies and the Human Future.” Responses toRead more…