Going Long: Building a Legacy of Family Philanthropy

For a substantial number of wealthy Americans, establishing charitable foundations and family funds has become an attractive and tax-effective way of channeling their philanthropy, and as a result the proliferation of such vehicles has reached unprecedented levels. In the UnitedRead more…

More to give: London millennials working towards a better world

This report reveals that there is a strong motivation amongst younger city employees to support the work of charities and community groups through giving and volunteering. It presents the findings of the first London-wide research on employee involvement and attitudesRead more…

London gives £5.6 billion a year in cash to charities

How much is London’s giving worth to charities? £5.6 billion a year is the first attempt to measure this, published in a report today by City Philanthropy. The report, More to Give: London Millennials Networking for a Better World, has found that London’sRead more…

The Generosity Summit 2015 Report

Attached is a report on the Generosity Summit that was held from 22-24 May in Hyderabad, India. 117 of the biggest hearts and brightest minds from 12 states across India, had paid their own way to come for this 2-day, fullyRead more…

How Faithful Churches Create Economic Flourishing

What is the pastor’s role in affirming the various callings within his congregation? How might churches empower the people of God in pursuing vocational clarity and economic transformation? How can we better encourage, equip, and empower others in engaging their cultures and communities? In aRead more…

Baby Boomers Poised to Give $8 Trillion, Study Says

Retirees are expected to donate about $6.6 trillion in cash and $1.4 trillion in volunteer services during the next 20 years as baby boomers retire, according to a report released today. People give at higher rates after they retire, soRead more…