“Mind the gap! Mind the gap!” everybody who has used London’s underground trains have heard this announcement over and over again. It’s true the gaps are easily overlooked. When I look at the state of world mission in the 21stRead more…
Research Forms: People Groups & Areas
Attached here are two forms that we provide for our new church planters to encourage them to begin engaging in meaningful research in their respective mission fields. The forms are not intended to help produce a full-fledged ethnographic report ofRead more…
In Quest of Asian Models of Youth Ministry
The age group defined as “youth” in Asia is often different than the one defined in western countries. In my country, Indonesia, for example, people aged 30 often still live with their parents as long as they’re not married. EvenRead more…
That All May hear
1) The paper is well researched and technical. It clearly gives a picture of the nature of evangelism in both oral and print methods. 2) The paper made a case for oral communication. In the western world where print strategiesRead more…
World Evangelisation In The 21st Century
Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by Paul Eshleman on the behalf of the Lausanne Strategy Working Group as an overview of the topic to be discussed at the Morning Plenary Session on “Priorities inRead more…
World Evangelization in the 21st Century
Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by Paul Eshleman on behalf of the Lausanne Strategy Working Group as an overview of the topic to be presented at the Morning Plenary Session on “Priorities in WorldRead more…
Christ-centered Ethnographic Field Research
Here, I’d like to share a brief article that I wrote related to Ethnographic Field Research (EFR). I always like to develop theological foundations for the things I do in mission. That desire prompted this paper. An excerpt follows. TheRead more…
Collaboration on Unreached People Research
There are several unreached people databases to choose from. Is it possible and feasible to collaborate together in this effort?
Ethnographic Chicago
Ethnographic Chicago: Considering College Students And Ethiopian & Tamilian Immigrants MissiologicallyRead more…
Blessing the Nations Among Us
A powerful step-by-step tool for training and resourcing the members of your church for reaching out to the various ethnic peoples of your cities and neighborhoods.