Church – Do You Know What it Means?

Is your understanding of church primarily associated with buildings, programs, worship music, missions, pastors, fund-raising, corporate structure, scheduling, and age-level ministries? If so, then a review of the biblical perspective of church could be very helpful and enlightening. Basic toRead more…

Common Misconceptions about Forgiveness

Forgiveness is known but not readily understood, which is a profound disconnect. The numerous misconceptions about forgiveness create difficulty for believers and unbelievers with regard to relational well-being. Believers who have a faulty perception about forgiveness are hindered in theirRead more…

The “One Another” Scriptures and Gender

     Leslie and Chad Segraves are members of Alliance 2.29, the Lausanne Special Interest Committee that works on issues of empowering women and men to work together for the Gospel. They work as a team to run an international ministry,Read more…

Witnessing: Part 2

Do we have a universal model for how to obey Christ’s command to “go and make disciples of all the nations”? Do we have a universal model for obeying Christ’s command to “Go, and make disciples?” We do! Christ gaveRead more…

The Wealth of the Poor: Women and the Savings Movement in Africa

Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by Stephan Bauman, Wendy Wellman and Megan Laughlin as an overview of the topic to be discussed at the Multiplex session on “Wealth, Poverty and Power: Effectively Responding throughRead more…

The Wealth of the Poor: Women and the Savings Movement in Africa

Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by Stephan Bauman, Wendy Wellman and Megan Laughlin as an overview of the topic to be discussed at the Multiplex session on “Wealth, Poverty and Power: Effectively Responding throughRead more…

An Age of Context

If the 20th Century is defined by propositions and concepts, it seems that the 21st is being defined by community and context. If this is true, it has huge potential impact on our faith, relationships and outreach. Concepts focus onRead more…

Ducking Missionary Conflict – in Africa and beyond

This article first appeared in the July 2009 issue of Evangelical Missions Quarterly (EMQ). Inter-personal conflicts frequently trouble missionary endeavours. Solutions advocated often emphasise the importance of missionary relationships. Without discrediting those ‘solutions’, I want to ask whether Western missionRead more…