1. Bible Availability2. Bible Awareness3. Bible Use4. Bible Understanding5. Bible Engagement “Does Christ protect Christians from witchcraft? Can a Christian become a witch or do witchcraft without even meaning to?” This discussion at a Scripture Engagement workshop in CôteRead more…
Partnership and Money. A study and exercise (E&S)
My friend and brother Paul Davies (All Nations-UK) was several years in Argentina. Paul in 2002 helped to us about Partnership and Money and relationship with several Churches different countries. I am sharing his presentation. Pablo Davies fue misionero junto con su esposa Wilma en Argentina.Read more…
Paradigms of ethnicity and power
In his excellent piece on the 5 paradigms of ethnicity RCW seems to imply that those who espouse the 3 paradigms focussing on globalism are able to imagine or envisage a world without ethnic identity. However, if historical precedentRead more…
The Wealth of Poverty
We normally place ‘wealth’ and ‘poverty’ on opposite ends of a continuum, but the title above seems to imply something different. Can the poor be rich? Initially, I do not want to imply some romanticized view of the poor thatRead more…
The occidental missions (English & Spanish)
The occidental missions and their roll in the third millennium “Join with others in following my example, brothers, and take note of those who live according to the pattern we gave you” Php. 3:17 The roll the occidental missions willRead more…
The occidental missions (English & Spanish)
The occidental missions and their roll in the third millennium “Join with others in following my example, brothers, and take note of those who live according to the pattern we gave you” Php. 3:17 The roll the occidental missions willRead more…