The Family Meeting

The process of caring for aging parents can be a time that draws families closer together. Unfortunately, it usually becomes a time that tears them apart. Typically, the sister who lives near by feels she is sacrificing her life toRead more…

Power Transfer

Perhaps the most important goal of parenthood is to make an orderly and timely transfer of power to our children. It’s a delicate balance we walk between granting independence too early or holding on until it’s too late. One ofRead more…

Learning From Our Children

We sometimes learn the most from our children. An abusive father I once knew had punished his 3-year-old daughter severely for wasting a roll of gold wrapping paper. He’d become infuriated when the child tried to decorate a box toRead more…

Single Parent Blues

Take all the problems associated with parenting and multiply them by two. Now you have some idea of what I call the single parent blues—having twice the problems with half the resources to deal with them. How do the bluesRead more…

Forgiving Your Parents

Have you noticed how difficult it is to forgive your enemies? And it’s even harder when they happen to be your parents. You know, when we’re kids, our needs and feelings are so intense that the wounds and the injuriesRead more…

Parental Burnout

I talk to a number of mothers these days, especially those with younger kids who feel like they’re suffering from burnout. If they have to do one more load of laundry, or tie one more shoe, they’ll just explode.

Be There, Dad!

You know, I’m told that when I was a very small child, maybe two years of age, my family lived in a one-bedroom apartment, and my little bed was located beside the bed of my parents. My father said itRead more…

How Dad’s Shape Kids

Someone said, “If you connect a boy to the right man, he seldom goes wrong.” And I believe that adage to be true. If a dad and a son, or a daughter, can develop some common interests together, the rebelliousRead more…

Blogs on various life topics

6 of the Family Talk Staff join forces in a blog effort to reach all families.  Blog topics include: Single Parenting, Fatherhood, Empty-Nest, Working wife/mother, Ryan Dobson 2.0, The Simple Wife (Special needs)

Pressures on Moms of Preschoolers

When there are small children in the house, a woman needs her husband’s understanding more than ever. No one works harder than a mother who stays home to care for multiple preschool children. No one. Not only does she haveRead more…