Loving Our Community

LovingOurCommunity  is a collaborative 40 day generosity campaign that can be launched in local communities, cities and countries. After a very successful pilot campaign in Guatemala, Loving Barbados will potentially be organised in 2015. For more information contact Brian Kluth at [email protected]

finance for living: resourcing global mission

The Stewardship Finance for Living papers are excellent resources for missionaries who need to raise personal support. Each one has been written by an expert who understands the particular challenges faced by Christian workers who live on a support basis.Read more…

prepare: getting ready for mission

Starting anything for the first time requires a certain amount of preparation; some are better than others at this and maybe the temptation to ‘just get on with it’ means we don’t fully appreciate what’s involved (anyone who’s attempted flatRead more…

Perspectives on mission giving in Africa

1. Introduction Mission giving is a very foreign concept in many African (Black) churches in South Africa.  I think there are two main reasons for this: 1.  Missions is a foreign concept:  Till very recently in South Africa ‘missions’ has beenRead more…

small church, BIG IMPACT

Your church size has huge implications. Church leaders often define their career worth in terms of people in the pews.  It always seems to surface within the first two or three minutes of conversations among pastors.  How’s attendance been recently? Read more…

75 Ways to Put Your Money to Missional Use

Let’s say you have some money lying around. Maybe it’s, like, five whole dollars! Or, on the other end of the spectrum, let’s just suppose it’s a lot and growing every month. You feel the reality of the Jesus storyRead more…

Mission and Evangelsim

The Department of Missions and Evangelism was established in 1988 to “Make America Orthodox,” in the words of His Eminence Metropolitan Philip. To fulfill that dream, the department endeavors to: 1) build new missions in North American cities of overRead more…

Business in Mission

     Business owner can make a big difference in the life of mission;by contibutions,donations,time,resources,and people.One must have a clear understanding and vision of what God’s purpose is for those called to mission. It is an awesome priveledge to join God inRead more…