Natural Process

Preserving the marriage today is challenging with the odds against success of marriage.  Even with marriage failing in churches,  How are the odds to be overcome?

Find The Teachable Moments

Opportunities to have a teachable moment with your children must be created by generating priceless events where you can take the time to share something with your child so that they will never forget what they have learned.

Building Your Mates Self Esteem

Join Dr. Dobson as he discusses how marriage was intended as a mutual admiration society that builds each others self-esteem of both partners and overlooks a million flaws that would otherwise be obvious.

Building Your Mates Self-Esteem

Marriage was intended as a mutual adoration society that builds each others self-esteem.

Truth & Love in Marriage

Do you believe in total honesty between a husband and wife? There’s no doubt that couples that communicate feelings openly have a better chance of succeeding in marriage, but even a good idea can be taken to extremes where theRead more…

Regenerating Feelings

There’s a popular song that goes, “You’ve lost that loving feeling.” Another said, “The feeling’s gone and I just can’t get it back.” If you feel like you’ve lost the romance that first drew you together, and most of usRead more…

More Sparks in Marriage

If your marriage seems to have lost the old spark lately, maybe it’s time to make a few changes. Many happily married couples become bored and dissatisfied with each other simply because they forgot to take time out for fun.

Love is Like a Rose

One of the great myths about romantic love is that if a couple is genuinely in love, that condition is permanent and will last a lifetime. Love, even genuine love, is a fragile commodity. Like more than one popular songRead more…

High Voltage Marriage

Which of the following marriages do you think is most likely to enjoy the greatest physical attraction? Is it the couple that spends every waking hour together and focuses almost exclusively on one another? Or, is it the man andRead more…

Divorce Equals Disease

You may remember that during the 1960’s, the Surgeon General declared cigarettes harmful to the smoker’s health. More recently, of course, researchers have warned us about the dangers of foods that are high in fat and cholesterol. But something weRead more…