Online Romance and the Diaspora connection

Thirty-six years ago when my wife and I were young and still dating, we were physically separated for two years because of our job assignments — we were both pursuing our own careers as engineer and nurse respectively.  We did notRead more…

The Art of Marriage

The Art of Marriage …a new project from FamilyLife that weaves together expert teaching, engaging stories, real-life testimonies, and humorous vignettes to help couples fully experience God’s design for marriage.

FamilyLife eMentoring

In a time of unparalleled access to information and social networks, many still feel alone.  But there is hope.  FamilyLife eMentoring is an anonymous, online mentoring community with custom-matched confidants who offer similar past experience and biblically-based perspective. Become aRead more…

Marriage and Men

1 Peter 3:7 “Jesus is the only perfect man to ever live. Because most men fail to look to Him as our example, there exists 2 extremes in men: chauvinism and cowardice. Pastor Mark Driscoll preaches to men about beingRead more…

Marriage and Women

1 Peter 3:1-6 “This section of scripture is exceedingly controversial. Peter discusses the role of women in marriage and their relationship to their own husbands. This is a must see sermon for all married couples, and will help unmarried peopleRead more…

HIV/AIDS prevention and the Church (in Africa)

It is clear that HIV/AIDS is one of the greatest development challenges for Africa, if not for the world at large. And it should therefore also be one of the greatest concerns for the Church, because the pandemic does notRead more…