The title to this article may seem strange, since a basic characteristic of any Christ-honoring, Bible believing church is to bring people into the church. On the other hand, a situation could occur in a church in which a personRead more…
Forgiveness – Know the Basics from God’s Perspective
Forgiveness is, literally, at the heart of Christianity. Its meaning is not difficult tounderstand, but “to forgive” as a way of life is not something one does naturally. It is not based on feelings but, instead, involves a choice that is,Read more…
Born To Die – The REAL Christmas Story
Here is a Christmas study in which all or part can be easily shared with others.
Body Life: Healthy or Sick?
Medical experts can evaluate a person’s physical condition by reliable observation and testing. In the spiritual dimension, a biblical diagnosis can also reveal the spiritual health of the church (ekklesia) when key aspects of Body Life are examined.
Loving God and Our Neighbor
The heart of the gospel – the driving foruce of prayer-care-sahre … loving God and nieghbor!
The Cape Town Commitment
The Cape Town Commitment is getting out widely around the world, in many languages. If we have discerned aright what the Holy Spirit is saying to the churches, we are stewards of a significant document. Please join us in praying thatRead more…
Pornography Destroys the Ability to Love
Perhaps the people most unaware of pornography’s “relational deception” areprofessing believers in Christ who erroneously think they are growing in their lovefor God and others while being involved with pornography. The absurdity of this illusion is revealed since “loving God”Read more…
Pray that they get chance to repent
Dear brothers and sisters. Incidents in last few months have killed so many lives on earth. And that was reminding me a sentence in a TBN movie Magido. Satan in anti Christ is saying I am not interestedRead more…
I was very excited to read the Cape Town Statement. I said to my self, the evangelical prodigal child is now arriving to her theological home now that love has been acknowledged as the theological norm for all aspect ofRead more…
True Love is Not Based on Feelings
Friendships in families and ministry leadership tend to fragment when the glue holding them together is feeling-based “love.” This type of “love” takes little effort and requires almost no attention, since it is self-oriented and dependent on others for personalRead more…