I Like Being 98.

Generosity is not only for young people! Watch the video and get inspired to live generously …

Maple Grove’s Generosity Journey

The video shares the holistic generosity journey of Maple Grove Covenenant Church in the US. Their journey could be an example to other churches across the world.

How Truly Generous People Give More Than Money

Last night, I was at a charitable event on Wall Street. I watched as the people who create money from their brains gave incredibly generous amounts for a great cause. The charity event was for Matt’s Promise, a 10-year-old nonprofit determinedRead more…

10 Habits of Remarkably Giving People

Think about people you truly respect. Think about people you truly admire. Think about people you love to be around. They may not be rich. They may not be highly accomplished. They may not be household names. Yet you love toRead more…

40 Day Generous Life devotional

An excellent and very practical devotional by Dr Brian Kluth that helps Christians in their generosity journey. This is one devotional that every Christian should read and use! 

Who’s In Charge Here? Beginning Your Life Stewardship Journey

E.G. “Jay” Link’s latest book ‘Who’s In Charge Here? Beginning Your Life Stewardship Journey’ is now available. The pdf and Kindle versions of the book are posted on the Stewardship Ministries website www.stewardshipministries.org/resources/books/. The pdf and Kindle versions are freeRead more…