What is Christ-Centered Generosity?

This week we released a new book called Christ Centered Generosity: Global Perspectives on the Biblical Call to a Generous Life (Kingdom Life Publishing, 2015). In this inspiring book thirty-three authors from twenty-two countries share stories and reflections on biblical generosity fromRead more…

Download The Selfless Leader for Free Now!

What makes a truly good leader? There are certainly a number of qualities that every gifted leader must have, but one thing that is common to all great leaders throughout history is something desperately lacking in our culture today: selflessness. ItRead more…

How To Give Away $100 Million?

In my full-time role at Covenant Family Wealth Advisors (www.covenant.ca) I have been advising a Christian couple with respect to their financial and estate planning.  They are in the process of discerning how to give away the bulk of theirRead more…

Papers, Articles and Videos

Disciple Nations Alliance has a treasure chest of papers, articles and videos on various aspects of community development, community transformation, worldview, the role of the church in community development, poverty, wealth and much more. Some of the resources are alsoRead more…

New book on Christ Centered Generosity

The Global Generosity Network (GGN), a network focused on encouraging Christians to be better stewards of their resources, and Kingdom Life Publishing, a publishing company devoted to educating and inspiring all people to be holistic stewards in God’s kingdom, partneredRead more…

Choosing to live generously

One of the outstanding characteristics of Christ followers is that of generosity. It is what stood out in the early church and it is the thing that often surprises non-Christ followers today and gets their attention.     What isRead more…

What love requires

The arrival of Jesus signaled an end to the Temple Model and the beginning of a brand new approach to faith—an approach based in love. But how do we really love others? Jesus’ way is expressed in generously loving others.

5 Questions that Inform Full-Life Generosity

“The mind knows not what the tongue wants.” Chances are pretty high that when you read that sentence – and then re-read that sentence – you think it’s somewhat off-center.  But, it’s actually a powerful statement used byMalcolm Gladwell inRead more…

The Power of Choices

The Christian life is a journey of choices. Choosing a church to attend involves choices. The decision to study the Bible – which Bible translation to select, what book to read, how often to read; the decision to engage inRead more…

40 Acts Together

Stewardship produced brilliant resources for their 40Acts Together campaign that encourages people to live generously. Resourcs for churches, small groups and schools are attached. Watch this official 40 Acts 2015 video and this video for churches. And remember to sign upRead more…