Trials…God’s Pathway for Growth and Grace

Growth and grace are realized through trials. When these benefits of trials are experienced (and not forgotten), then the unavoidable difficulties of life and faith will be embraced by ardent followers of Christ.

Women in Ministry: Joys and Challenges

As a woman in ministry I have experinced both joys and challenges. Challenges come for within and outside the church. I started my own ministry, PreachSista!, as a way for women to come together to share their faith and theRead more…

The “Corporate” Image of Church: A High Powered Enterprise

Most contemporary churches today are becoming more and more like high-powered business enterprises. Business and corporate styles are being applied to church leadership, structures and strategies. These make-overs has given the church a “corporate” image, where a lot of pragmatismRead more…

Learning – Is it ever complete?

On a very recent trip to provide training to a missionary team in Europe, I ran into, once again, the “ I know what is needed” scenario. The team leader didn’t want to come to the training because he hadRead more…

Leadership Formation and Cultural Diversity

Cultural diversity presents an enormous challenge to church and ministry in this globalised, multicultural world.  When it comes to diversity people automatically think of ethnicity.  However, with different generational groupings, socio-economic categories, regional settings, interest groups and religious groupings (withinRead more…

Local Leaders in the Global Church

Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by Paul Joshua Bhakiaraj as an overview of the topic to be discussed at the Multiplex session on “Local Leaders in the Global Church.” Responses to this paper throughRead more…

Question: Have you trained your replacement yet?

Leaders generally seem to feel confident in their leadership abilities when they see subordinates carrying out their instructions without error or backlash. However, I see an important element missing in that assessment. To me, leaders are only true leaders onceRead more…

Humility: God’s Path to Edification & Exaltation

Humility is a necesssary trait for effective ministry and leadership. Humility is also the path by which we all came to Christ. Predictably, humility is a gift from God and is seen most notably in believers with a dynamic andRead more…

The Partnership of Males and Females in the New Global Equilibrium

Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by Leslie Anne Neal Segraves and Chad Alan Neal Segraves as an overview of the topic to be discussed at the Multiplex session on “Men and Women: A PowerfulRead more…