This article is a part of the March 2013 issue of the Lausanne Global Analysis. Access other articles from this issue or download the full issue as a free PDF download. On 15th January the European Court of Human RightsRead more…
The Global Charter of Conscience
This article is a part of the January 2013 issue of the Lausanne Global Analysis. Access other articles from this issue or download the full issue as a free PDF download. The Global Charter of Conscience was launched at theRead more…
Rusizi Mission 2012 Overview: God on the Move in Rwanda
This short video shows highlights from the Rusizi Mission in Rwanda, August 2012. At the invitation of the local church, International and Rwandan evangelists partnered together in proclaiming the Gospel in multiple settings around the district, with over 81,000 hearing,Read more…
Evangelistic Preaching in the 21st Century
“Who are the most effective evangelistic preachers you know?” When I have asked that question – and qualify it to mean pastors, not traveling evangelists – most pastors, lay people, and even preaching professors are stumped. They may come upRead more…
The Nature of Biblical Evangelism
It may seem crazy in a cross-cultural congress like this, that I should begin by quoting from those two peculiarly English characters of fiction, Alice in Wonderland and Humpty Dumpty! For it is more than possible that some of youRead more…
Why Lausanne?
The Planning Committee has invited participants from every possible nation and nearly every evangelical denomination and para-church organization in the world. Never before have so many representatives of so many eangelical Christian churches in som many nations and from soRead more…
Un commencement d’une bibliographie évangélique française sur l’évangélisation
Evangélisation personnel – surtout d’une pensée évangélique : BONNKE, Reinhard, L’évangélisation par le feu : une initiative vers le réveil, traduction par Bernard Varlet. Rouen, France : Éditions MENOR, 1990. CHANTRY, Walter, Le Maitre a l’œuvre : Jésus et le jeune homme riche, traduitRead more…
Chronological Bibliography
I. Sample Books on Personal Evangelism—Arranged Chronologically: The following books on evangelism are arranged chronologically. Generally not included are books on world missions, church planting, church growth, personal follow-up, discipleship, and a theology of evangelism. It may be noted, however,Read more…
Select Evangelism Websites and Gospel Tract Resources
Tracts: 2 Ways to Live; available at: Bridge to Life: available at: Chick Publications: available at: DigiTracts: The Roman Road: available at: Four Spiritual Laws: available at: The Good News: available at: Peace withRead more…
Don’t Help The Devil Kill Proclamation Evangelism
To facilitate a truly global conversation, we ask Christian leaders from around the world to respond to the Global Conversation’s lead articles. These points of view do not necessarily represent the Lausanne Movement. They are designed to stimulate discussion fromRead more…