I. Sample Books on Personal Evangelism—Arranged Chronologically:
The following books on evangelism are arranged chronologically. Generally not included are books on world missions, church planting, church growth, personal follow-up, discipleship, and a theology of evangelism. It may be noted, however, that there is a significant overlap of topics. An effort has been made to include books of all stripes, everywhere from a 1975 Papal encyclical to W. B. Riley’s 1904 The Perennial Revival. Inclusion in this list does not constitute an endorsement, but is meant to show the breadth of books on evangelism in the past century. These books may show that “There is nothing new under the sun,” even in the area of evangelism. A similar bibliography is arranged alphabetically at the end of these notes.
Shivers, Frank. Spurs to Soul Winning: 531 Motivations for Winning Souls. La Vergne, TN: Lightning Source, 2012.
Walker, Jeremy. The Brokenhearted Evangelist. Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage, 2012.
Benavides, Victor. Breaking the Evangelism Code: Evangelism Today. Bloomington, IN: CrossBooks, 2011.
Horton, Michael. The Gospel Commission: Recovering God’s Strategy for Making Disciples. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2011.
Johnston, Thomas P., ed. Mobilizing a Great Commission Church for Outreach. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2011.
Payne, J. D. Evangelism: A Biblical Response to Today’s Questions. Colorado Springs: Biblica, 2011.
Root, Jerry and Stan Guthrie, The Sacrament of Evangelism. Chicago: Moody, 2011.
Thompson, John L. Urban Impact: Reaching the World through Effective Urban Ministry. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2011.
Wee, Yan T. The Soul-Winner’S Handy Guide, 3rd ed. Singapore: Y. T. Wee, 2011.
Adeney, Frances S. Graceful Evangelism: Christian Witness in a Complex World. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2010.
Geisler, Norman and Patrick Zukeran. The Apologetics of Jesus: A Caring Approach to Dealing with Doubters. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2010.
Koo, Hongnak. The Impact of Luis Palau on Global Evangelism. Grand Rapids: Credo, 2010.
Shivers, Frank. Evangelistic Preaching 101: Voices from the Past and Present on Effective Preaching. La Vergne, TN: Lightning Source, 2010.
Smith, Gordon T. Transforming Conversion: Rethinking the Language and Contours of Christian Initiation. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2010.
Azurdia, Arturo, Connected Christianity: Engaging Culture Without Compromise. Fearn, Ross-shire, Great Britain: Christian Focus, 2009.
Barrs, Jerram. Learning Evangelism from Jesus. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2009.
Dawson, Scott and Scott Lenning, Effectively Sharing the Gospel in a Rapidly Changing World. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2009.
Elliff, Tom. What Should I Say to My Friend? Richmond, VA: International Mission Board, 2009.
Geisler, Norman and David. Conversational Evangelism. Harvest House 2009.
Harney, Kevin G. Organic Outreach for Ordinary People: Sharing Good News Naturally. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2009.
Hirsch, Alan and Leonard Sweet. The Forgotten Ways: Reactivating the Missional Church. Grand Rapids: Brazos, 2009. Johnston, Thomas, Understanding Evangelizology. Liberty, MO: Evangelism Unlimited, 2009.
A revision of Toward a Biblical-Historical Theology of Evangelizology, 2006, 2007.
Koukl, Gregory. Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2009.
McDowell, Sean. Apologetics for a New Generation: A Biblical and Culturally Relevant Approach to Talking about God. Harvest House, 2009.
Payne, Tony. Six Steps to Talking about Jesus: Practical Training for Small Groups. Kingsford, NSW, Australia: Matthias Media,2009.
Reid, Alvin. Evangelism Handbook: Biblical, Spiritual, Intentional, Missional. Nashville: Broadman, 2009
Robinson, Darrell. Synergistic Evangelism. Nashville: CrossBooks, 2009.
Shivers, Frank. Christian Basics 101: A Handbook on Christian Growth. Xulon Press, 2009.
Smith, Warren Cole. A Lover’s Quarrel with the Evangelical Church. Authentic, 2009.
Strobel, Lee and Mark Mittelberg, The Unexpected Adventure: Taking Everyday Risks to Talk with People about Jesus. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2009.
Wheeler, David. Servanthood Evangelism. Alpharetta, GA: North American Mission Board of the SBC, 2009.
A revision of Alvin Reid and David Wheeler, “Servanthood Evangelism,” 1997.
Bock, Darrell L. and Mitch Glaser, To the Jew First: The Case for Jewish Evangelism in Scripture and History. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2008.
Boyd, David, You Don’t Have to Cross an Ocean to Reach the World. Grand Rapids: Chosen, 2008.
Heath, Elaine A. The Mystic Way of Evangelism: A Contemplative Vision for Christian Outreach. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2008.
Johnston, Thomas P. Inquisition and Martyrdom (1002-1572): Being a Historical Study of Evangelism and Its Repression.
Liberty, MO: Evangelism Unlimited, 2008, 2009.
Payne, J. D. Missional House Churches: Reaching Our Communities with the Gospel. Paternoster, 2008.
Shivers, Frank. Revivals 101: A Concise ‘How To” Manual on Revivals. Sumter, SC: Victory Hill Publishing, 2008.
Waggoner, Brad J. The Shape of Faith to Come: Spiritual Formation and the Future of Discipleship. Nashville: Broadman, 2008.
Davis, D. Mark. Talking about Evangelism: A Congregational Resource. Cleveland: Pilgrim, 2007.
Davis, Freddy, Worldview Witnessing: How to Confidently Share Christ with Anyone. Otsego, MI: PageFree, 2007.
Dever, Mark. The Gospel and Personal Evangelism. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2007.
Henderson, Jim. Evangelism Without Additives: What If Sharing Your Faith Meant Just Being Yourself? WaterBrook, 2007.
Johnston, Thomas P. Charts for a Theology of Evangelism. Nashville: Broadman, 2007.
Phillips, Richard D. Jesus the Evangelist: Learning to Share the Gospel from the Book of John. Reformation Trust, 2007.
Pilavachi, Mike and Liza Hoeksma. When Necessary Use Words: Changing Lives Through Worship, Justice and Evangelism. Ventura: Regal, 2007.
Rainer, Thom. Simple Church. Nashville: Broadman, 2007.
Shore, John. I’m OK—You’re Not: The Message We’re Sending to Unbelievers and Why We Should Stop. Colorado Springs: NavPress, 2007.
Stone, Bryan P. Evangelism after Christendom: The Theology and Practice of Christian Witness. Grand Rapids: Brazos, 2007.
Bechtle, Mike. Evangelism for the Rest of Us: Sharing Christ within Your Personality Style. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2006.
Comfort, Ray and Kirk Cameron. Way of the Master. Gainesville: Bridge-Logos, 2006.
Dawson, Scott, ed. The Complete Evangelism Handbook: Expert Advice on Reaching Others for Christ. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2006.
Hybels, Bill. Just a Walk Across the Room: Simple Steps Pointing People to Faith. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2006.
Johnston, Thomas P. Toward a Biblical-Historical Theology of Evangelizology. Liberty, MO: Evangelism Unlimited, 2006, 2007.
Martin, Ralph and Peter Williamson, eds. John Paul II and the New Evangelization: How You Can Bring the Good News to Others. Ann Arbor: Servant, 2006.
Newman, Randy. Corner Conversations: Engaging Dialogues About God and Life. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2006.
Palau, Luis and Timothy Robnett, Telling the Story: Evangelism for the Next Generation. Ventura, CA: Gospel Light, 2006
Peace, Richard, Holy Conversation: Talking About God in Everyday Life. Downer’s Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 2006.
Reese, Martha Grace, Unbinding the Gospel: Real Life Evangelism. Afterword by Brian McLaren. St. Louis: Chalice, 2006.
Richardson, Rick. Reimagining Evangelism: Inviting Friends on a Spiritual Journey. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 2006.
Shivers, Frank. Soul Winning [101] with Illustrations and Sermons: 275 Helps for Winning the Lost. Sumter, SC: Hill Publishing, 2006.
Singlehurst, Laurence. Sowing, Reaping, Keeping: People-Sensitive Evangelism. Nottingham: InterVarsity Press, 2006.
Sprenger, Mike. Blowing Your Cover: Workbook. London: Monarch, 2006.
George, Timothy and John Woodbridge. The Mark of Jesus: Loving in a Way the World Can See. Chicago: Moody, 2005.
Henderson, Jim. a.k.a. Lost: Discovering Ways to Connect with the People Jesus Misses Most. WaterBrook, 2005.
Lawless, Chuck and Thom S. Rainer, eds. The Challenge of the Great Commission: Essays on God’s Mandate for the Local Church. Pinnacle, 2005.
Smith, Sean. Prophetic Evangelism: Empowering a Generation to Seize Their Day. Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image, 2005.
Wilkins, Scott G. REACH: A Team Approach to Evangelism and Assimilation. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2005.
Allison, Lon and Mark Anderson. Going Public with the Gospel: Reviving Evangelistic Proclamation. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 2004.
Cameron, Kirk and Ray Comfort. The School of Biblical Evangelism: 101 Lessons. Gainesville: Bridge-Logos, 2004.
Hunt, Stephen. The Alpha Enterprise: Evangelism in a Post-Christian Era. Aldershot, Hants, England: Ashgate, 2004.
Long, Jimmy. Emerging Hope (revision and expansion of Generating Hope [1997]). Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 2004.
Moyer, R. Larry. 21 Things God Never Said: Correcting Our Misconceptions about Evangelism. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2004.
Newman, Randy. Questioning Evangelism: Engaging People’s Hearts the Way Jesus Did. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2004.
Rausch, Thomas P., S.J., ed. Evangelizing America. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist, 2004.
Shivers, Frank. The Evangelistic Invitation 101: 150 Helps in Giving the Evangelistic Invitation. Sumter, SC: Hill Publishing, 2004.
Simpson, Michael L. Permission Evangelism—When to Talk, When to Walk. Colorado Springs: NexGen, Cook, 2004.
Sjogren, Steve, Dave Ping, and Doug Pollock. Irresistible Evangelism: Natural Ways to Open Others to Jesus. Loveland, CO:Group, 2004.
Tabb, Mark. Mission to Oz: Reaching Postmoderns without Losing Your Way. Chicago: Moody, 2004.
Catholic Church. Ministry through the Lens of Evangelization. Washington: USCCB (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops), 2003.
Corbitt, J. Nathan and Vivian Nix-Early. Taking It to the Streets: Using the Arts to Transform Your Community. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2003.
Frost, Toby, Bill Sims, and Monty McWhorter. The Evangelistic Block Party Manual. Atlanta: NAMB, 2003.
Johnston, Thomas P. Examining Billy Graham’s Theology of Evangelism. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2003.
McRaney, Will. The Art of Personal Evangelism. Nashville: Broadman, 2003.
Myers, Joseph R. The Search to Belong: Rethinking Intimacy, Community, and Small Groups. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2003.
Rainer, Thom. The Unchurched Next Door: Understanding Faith Stages as Keys to Sharing Your Faith. Grand Rapids:Zondervan, 2003.
Shadrach, Steve, The Fuel and the Flame: 10 Keys to Ignite Your College Campus for Jesus Christ. Conway, AR: The Bodybuilders, 2003.
Webber, Robert. Ancient Future Evangelism: Making Your Church a Faith Forming Community. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2003.
Cahill, Mark. One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven. Genesis Publishing; Rockwall, TX: Biblical Discipleship, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005.
Carswell, Roger. And Some as Evangelists: Growing Your Church through Discovering and Developing Evangelists. Fearn, Ross-shire, Great Britain: Christian Focus, 2002, 2005.
Kallenberg, Brad. Live to Tell: Evangelism in a Postmodern World. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2002.
Legg. Steve. A-Z of Evangelism: The Ultimate Guide to Evangelism. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 2002.
McLaren, Brian D. More Ready Than you Realize: Evangelism as Dance in the Postmodern Matrix. Grand Rapids: Zondervan,2002.
Reid, Alvin. Radically Unchurched: Who They Are and How to Reach Them. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2002.
Robinson, Darrell. Incredibly Gifted. Hannibal Press: Garland, TX, 2002.
Stier, Greg. Outbreak! Creating a Contagious Youth Ministry through Viral Evangelism. Chicago: Moody, 2002.
Ward, Mark Sr., The Word Works: 151 Amazing Stories of Men and Women Saved through Gospel Literature. Greenville, SC: Ambassador Emerald Int’l, 2002.
Barrs, Jerram. The Heart of Evangelism. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2001, 2005.
Conard, William W., ed. Amsterdam 2000: The Mission of an Evangelist. Minneapolis: World Wide Publications, 2001.
Rainer, Thom. Surprising Insights from the Unchurched and Proven Ways to Reach Them. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2001.
Sjogren, Steve. 101 Ways to Reach Your Community. Colorado Springs: NavPress, 2001.
Achtemeier, Mark and Andrew Purves, eds., A Passion for the Gospel: Confessing Jesus Christ for the 21st Century. Louisville: Geneva, 2000.
Baugh, Ken. Getting Real: An Interactive Guide to Relational Ministry. Colorado Springs: NavPress, 2000.
Carson, Donald A., ed. Telling the Truth: Evangelizing Postmoderns. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2000.
Chang, Curtis. Engaging Unbelief: A Captivating Strategy from Augustine and Aquinas. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 2000.
Mittelberg, Mark with Bill Hybels, Building a Contagious Church: Revolutionizing the Way We View and Do Evangelism. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2000.
Richardson, Rick. Evangelism Outside the Box: New Ways to Help People Experience the Good News. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 2000.
Silvoso, Ed. Prayer Evangelism. Ventura: Regal, 2000.
Strobel, Lee. The Case for Faith. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2000.
Wright, Linda Raney. Christianity’s Crisis in Evangelism: Going Where the People Are. Portland: Multnomah, 2000.
Careaga, Andrew. E-vangelism: Sharing the Gospel in Cyberspace. Lafayette, LA: Vital Issues, 1999.
Évangile et Évangélisme: XIIe-XIIIe Siècle. Cahiers de Fanjeaux 34. Toulouse, France: Éditions Privat, 1999.
Fay, William. Share Jesus Without Fear. Nashville: Broadman, 1999.
Laurie, Greg. How To Share Your Faith. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House, 1999.
MacArthur, John. Nothing But the Truth: Upholding the Gospel in a Doubting Age. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 1999; Amazon:Kindle, n.d.
Morgenthaler, Susan. Worship Evangelism. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1999.
Water, Mark. Sharing Your Faith Made Easy: An Easy-to-Understand Pocket Reference Guide. Hendricksen, 1999.
Jensen, Phillip and Phil Campbell. Two Ways to Live: A Bible Study Explaining Christianity. Kingsford, NSW, Australia: Matthias Media, 1998.
Moyer, R. Larry. Larry Moyer’s how-To Book on Personal Evangelism. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 1998.
Reid, Alvin. Introduction to Evangelism. Nashville: Broadman, 1998.
Williams, Doug and Bobby H. Welch. A Journey in Faith: Facilitator Guide. Sunday School Board of the SBC, 1998.
Coleman, Robert E. The Master’s Way of Personal Evangelism. Wheaton: Crossway, 1997.
Long, Jimmy. Generating Hope: A Strategy for Reaching the Postmodern Generation. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 1997.
Miller, John C. Powerful Evangelism for the Powerless (revision of Evangelism and Your Church [1980]) Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1997.
Moyer, R. Larry. Free and Clear: Understanding and Communicating God’s Offer of Eternal Life. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 1997.
Pollard, Nicky. Evangelism Made Slightly Less Difficult: How to Interest People Who Aren’t Interested. Downers Grove, IL:InterVarsity, 1997.
Reid, Alvin and David Wheeler. “Servanthood Evangelism.” n.p., n.d. [1997].
Robinson, Darrell. Total Church Life. Nashville: Broadman, 1997.
Welch, Bobby. Evangelism Through Sunday School: A Journey of Faith. Nashville: Lifeway, 1997.
Rainer, Thom. Effective Evangelistic Churches: Successful Churches Reveal What Works and What Doesn’t. Nashville: Broadman, 1996.
Setzler, Monitia, Barbara Oden, Gary Bulley, and David Strawn. TouchPOINTS—Sowing Seeds, Volume One. Nashville: On Target, 1996.
Sjogren, Steve. Servant Warfare: How Kindness Conquers Spiritual Darkness. Ann Arbor: Servant, 1996.
Atkinson, Donald A. and Charles L. Roesel, Meeting Needs/Sharing Christ: Ministry Evangelism in Today’s New Testament Church. Nashville: Lifeway, 1995.
Beougher, Timothy and Alvin Reid, eds., Evangelism for a Changing World: Essays in Honor of Roy Fish. Wheaton, IL: Harold Shaw, 1995.
Barna, George. Evangelism that Works: How to Reach Changing Generations with the Unchanging Gospel. Ventura: Regal,1995.
Ford, Kevin. Jesus for a New Generation. Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 1995.
Green, Michael. One to One: How to Share Your Faith with a Friend. Nashville: Moorings, 1995.
Kramp, John. Out of Their Faces and Into Their Shoes: How to Understand Spiritually Lost People and Give Them Directions to Find God. Nashville: Broadman and Holman, 1995.
Robinson, Darrell, People Sharing Jesus. Nashville: Nelson, 1995.
Brennan, Patrick. Re-Imagining Evangelization: Vision, Conversion, and Contagion. Crossroad, 1994.
Callahan, Kennon L. Visiting in an Age of Mission: A Handbook for Person-to-Person Ministry. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1994.
Ford, Leighton. The Power of Story: Recovering the Oldest, Most Natural Way to Reach People for Christ. Colorado Springs:NavPress, 1994.
Gumbel, Nicky. Telling Others: The Alpha Initiative. Eastbourne, Great Britain: Kingsway, 1994.
Hybels, Bill and Mark Mittelberg. Becoming a Contagious Christian. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1994.
Johnston, Thomas P. The Mindset of Eternity. Deerfield, IL: Evangelism Unlimited, 1994.
Levicoff, Steve. Street Smarts: A Survival Guide to Personal Evangelism and the Law. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1994.
Mims, Gene. Kingdom Principles for Church Growth. Nashville: Broadman, 1994, 2001.
Murphee, Jon Tal. Responsible Evangelism: Relating Theory to Practice. Toccoa Falls, GA: Toccoa Falls College, 1994.
Ray, Michael D. Soul Winning—The Heart Of God. Hopewell Ministries, 1994.
Terry, John Mark. Evangelism: A Concise History. Nashville: Broadman and Holman, 1994.
Beginning Steps: A Growth Guide for New Believers [NIV]. Atlanta: North American Mission Board, 1993.
Beougher, Timothy. Overcoming Walls to Witnessing. Minneapolis: Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, 1993.
Briner, Bob. Roaring Lambs. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1993.
Brueggemann. Biblical Perspectives on Evangelism: Living in a Three-Storied Universe. Nashville: Abingdon, 1993.
Kelley, Charles. How Did They Do It? The Story of Southern Baptist Evangelism. New Orleans: Insight, 1993.
Piper, John. Let the Nations Be Glad: The Supremacy of God in Missions. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1993.
Sjogren, Steve. Conspiracy of Kindness. Ann Arbor: Servant, 1993.
Bierle, Donald A. Surprised by Faith. Excelsior, MN: H.I.S. Ministries, 1992.
Drummond, Lewis A. The Word of the Cross: A Contemporary Theology of Evangelism. Nashville: Broadman, 1992.
Faircloth, Samuel. Church Planting for Reproduction. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1992.
Larsen, David L. The Evangelism Mandate: Recovering the Centrality of Gospel Preaching. Wheaton: Crossway, 1992.
McIntosh, Gary and Glen Martin. Finding Them, Keeping Them: Effective Strategies for Evangelism and Assimilation in the Local Church. Nashville: Broadman, 1992.
Pannell, William. Evangelism from the Bottom Up. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1992.
Porter, Douglas. How to Develop and Use the Gift of Evangelism. Lynchburg, VA: Church Growth, 1992.
Wiles, Jerry. How to Win Others to Christ: Your Personal, Practical Guide to Evangelism. Nashville: Nelson, 1992.
Banks, William L. In Search of the Great Commission: What Did Jesus Really Say? Chicago: Moody, 1991.
Beasley, Gary M. and Francis Anfuso. Complete Evangelism: Fitting the Pieces Together. South Lake Tahoe, CA: Christian Equippers, 1991.
Gilbert, Larry. Team Evangelism––Giving New Meaning to Lay Evangelism. Lynchburg: Church Growth, 1991.
Heck, Joel D. The Art of Sharing Your faith. Old Tappan, NJ: Revell, 1991.
Johnson, Ben Campbell. Speaking of God: Evangelism as Initial Spiritual Guidance. Atlanta: Westminster John Knox, 1991.
Stebbins, Tom. Evangelism by the Book. Camp Hill, PA: Christian, 1991.
Brock, Charles. Let This Mind Be in You. Kansas City, MO: Church Growth, 1990.
Coleman, Robert E. “Nothing To Do But To Save Souls.” Wilmore, KY: Wesley Heritage, 1990.
Lukasse, Johan. Churches with Roots: Planting Churches in Post-Christian Europe. Bromley: STL, 1990.
Neighbour, Ralph W. Jr. Knocking on Doors––Opening Hearts. Houston: Touch, 1990.
Neighbour, Ralph W. Jr. Where Do We Go from Here? A Guidebook for the Cell Group Church. Houston: Touch, 1990.
Ratz, Calvin, Frank Tillapaugh, and Myron Augsburger. Mastering Outreach And Evangelism. Portland, OR: Multnomah (with Christianity Today), 1990.
Abraham, William J. Logic of Evangelism. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1989.
Comfort, Ray. Hell’s Best Kept Secret. Bellflower, CA: self-published, 1989; Springdale, PA: Whitaker House, 1989; New Kensington, PA: Whitaker House, 2002; revised with study guide, Kensington, PA: Whitaker House, 2004.
Petersen, Jim. Living Proof. Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1989.
Aldrich, Joseph C. Gentle Persuasion. Portland, OR: Multnomah, 1988.
Fordham, Keith. “The Evangelist”—The Heart of God. Del City, OK: Spirit, 1988, 1991, 2002.
Rand, Ronald. Won By One. Ventura: Regal, 1988.
Scott, Bruce. Gleanings for the Remnant. Lynwood, IL: American Messianic Fellowship, 1988.
Barrett, David B. Evangelize! A Survey of the Concept. Birmingham, AL: New Hope, 1987.
Bright, Bill. Witnessing Without Fear. San Bernardino, CA: Here’s Life, 1987.
Hinson, William H. A Place to Dig in: Doing Evangelism in the Local Church. Nashville: Abingdon, 1987.
Crossley, G. Everyday Evangelism. Evangelical Press, 1987.
Randall, Rob, Witnessing: A Way Of Life. Criteron Publications, 1987.
Wells, David F. God the Evangelist: How the Holy Spirit Works to Bring Men to Christ. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1987; Exeter,United Kingdom: Paternoster Press, 1987
Yamamori, Tetsuanao. God’s New Envoys: A Bold Strategy for Penetrating “Closed Countries.” Portland, OR: Multnomah, 1987.
Cairns, Earle Edwin. An Endless Line of Splendor: Revivals and Their Leaders from the Great Awakening to the Present. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House, 1986.
Dale, Robert D. Evangelizing the Hard-to-Reach. Nashville: Broadman, 1986.
Hanks, Billie, Jr. Everyday Evangelism: Evangelism as a Way of Life. Nashville: Word, 1986.
Hulse, Erroll. The Great Invitation. Welwyn: Evangelical, 1986.
Jacks, Bob and Betty. Your Home a Lighthouse. Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1986, 1987.
McCloskey, Mark. Tell It Often—Tell It Well. San Bernardino, CA: Here’s Life, 1986.
Miles, Delos, Evangelism and Social Involvement. Nashville: Broadman, 1986.
Wimber, John. Power Evangelism. San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1986; North Pomfret, VT: Trafalgar Square, 2000.
1985 Petersen, Jim. Evangelism for Our Generation. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress,
Smith, Glenn C., ed. Evangelizing Adults. Washington, DC: Paulist National Catholic Evangelization Association; Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House, 1985.
Armstrong, Richard Stoll. The Pastor as Evangelist. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1984.
Cocoris, Michael G. Evangelism: A Biblical Approach. Chicago: Moody, 1984.
Douglas, J. D., ed. The Work of an Evangelist: International Congress for Itinerant Evangelists, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,1983. Minneapolis: World Wide Publishing, 1984.
Graham, Billy. A Biblical Standard for Evangelists. Minneapolis: World Wide, 1984.
Neighbour, Ralph Jr. The Journey into Discipleship: The Journey into Lifestyle Evangelism and Ministry. Memphis: Brotherhood Commission of the SBC, 1984, 1987.
Rockwell, Margaret. Stepping Out: Sharing Christ in Everyday Circumstances. Arrowhead Springs, CA: Here’s Life, 1984.
Streett, R. Alan. The Effective Invitation. Old Tappan, NJ: Revell, 1984.
Trotman, Dawson. Born to Reproduce. Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1984.
Augsburger, Myron. Evangelism as Discipling. Scottsdale, PA: Herald, 1983.
Dayton, Edward R. That Everyone May Hear: Reaching the Unreached, 3rd ed. MARC—Mission Advanced Research and Communication Center, 1983.
Graham, Franklin with Jeanette Lockerbie. Bob Pierce: This One Thing I Do. Waco: Word, 1983.
Hanks, Billie, Jr. Everyday Evangelism: How to Do It and How to Teach It. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1983
Innes, Dick. I Hate Witnessing! A Handbook for Effective Christian Communication. Ventura, CA: Vision House, 1983.
Johnson, Ben. An Evangelism Primer: Practical Principles for Congregations. Atlanta: John Knox, 1983.
Kraft, Charles. Communication Theory for Christian Witness. Nashville: Abingdon, 1983.
Miles, Delos. Introduction to Evangelism. Nashville: Broadman, 1983.
Miller, Herb. Fishing on the Asphalt: Effective Evangelism in Mainline Denominations. St. Louis: Bethany, 1983.
Rueter, Alvin C. Organizing for Evangelism: Planning an Effective Program for Witnessing. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1983.
Tuttle, Robert, Jr. Someone Out There Needs Me: A Practical Guide to Relational Evangelism. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1983. Walker, Mickey. Doulos: Personal Evangelism Notebook. Bilbao, Spain: Operation Mobilization, 1983.
Callender, Willard D. How to Make a Friendly Call. Valley Forge, PA: Judson, 1982.
Conn, Harvey. Evangelism: Doing Justice and Preaching Grace. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1982.
Eakin, Mary Mulford. Scruffy Sandals: A Guide for Church Visitation in the Community. New York: Pilgrim, 1982.
Krass, Alfred C. Evangelizing Neopagan North America. Scottsdale, PA: Herald, 1982.
Miles, Delos. Master Principles of Evangelism: Examples from Jesus’ Personal Witnessing. Nashville: Broadman, 1982.
Roberts, Richard Owen. Revival: What Is Revival? When Is Revival Needed? When Can Revival Be Expected? When Is Revival Dangerous? Will the Revival Last? Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House, 1982.
Sanders, Oswald J. Effective Evangelism. Kent, England: STL Books, 1982.
Savelle, Jerry. Sharing Jesus Effectively: A Handbook on Successful Soul-Winning. Tulsa, OK: Harrison House, 1982.
Walsh, John. Evangelization and Justice: New Insight for Christian Ministry. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 1982.
Aldrich, Joseph C. Life-Style Evangelism: Crossing Traditional Boundaries to Reach the Unbelieving World. Portland, OR: Multnomah, 1981.
Bassett, Paul, God’s Way. Ambassador, 1981.
Chapman, John C. Know and Tell the Gospel: The Why and How of Evangelism. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1981;
Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 1985.
Metzger, Will. Tell the Truth: The Whole Message to the Whole Person by the Whole People. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity,1981, 1984.
Neville, Joyce. How to Share Your Faith Without Being Offensive. New York: Seabury, 1981.
Prince, Matthew. Winning Through Caring: Handbook on Friendship Evangelism. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1981.
Samuel, Leith. Share Your Faith. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1981.
Thompson, W. Oscar, Jr. Concentric Circles of Concern. Nashville: Broadman, 1981.
Amberson, Talmadge R. Reaching Out to People. Nashville: Broadman, 1980.
Calver, Clive. Sold Out: Taking the Lid Off Evangelism. London: Lakeland, Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1980.
Deville, Jard. The Psychology of Witnessing. Waco: Word, 1980.
Henderson, Robert T. Joy to the World: An Introduction to Kingdom Evangelism. Atlanta: John Knox, 1980.
Korthals, Richard G. Agape Evangelism: Roots that Reach Out. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House, 1980.
Lessons in Assurance. Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1980.
Miller, John C. Evangelism and Your Church. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1980.
Peale, Norman Vincent. The Positive Power of Jesus Christ: Life-Changing Adventures in Faith. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House, 1980.
Petersen, Jim. Evangelism as a Lifestyle. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 1980.
Turnbull, Michael. Parish Evangelism: A Practical Resource Book for the Local Church. London: Mowbrays, 1980.
Armstrong, Richard S. Service Evangelism. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1979.
Green, Michael. Evangelism Now and Then: How Can What Happened in the Early Church Happen Now? Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 1979;
Rev. Ed. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2004.
Kraft, Charles H. Communicating the Gospel God’s Way. Pasadena: William Carey, 1979.
McDill, Wayne. Making Friends for Christ—A Practical Approach to Relational Evangelism. Nashville: Broadman, 1979.
McPhee, Arthur. Friendship Evangelism: The Caring Way to Share Your Faith. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1979.
Misselbrook, Lewis. Sharing the Faith with Others: A Program for Training in Evangelism. Valley Forge, PA: American Baptist, 1979.
Pippert, Rebecca Manley. Out of the Saltshaker and into the World: Evangelism as a Way of Life. Downers Grove, IL:InterVarsity, 1979.
Routh, Porter. Witness To The World. Convention Press, 1979. Sisson, Richard. Training for Evangelism. Chicago: Moody, 1979.
Caldwell, Max L., ed., Witness to Win: Positive Evangelism through the Sunday School. Nashville: Convention, 1978.
Engel, James F. Contemporary Christian Communications: Its Theory and Practice. Nashville: Nelson, 1978, 1979.
Jauncey, James H. One-on-One Evangelism. Chicago: Moody, 1978.
Lavin, Ronald J., ed., The Human Chain for Divine Grace: Lutheran Sermons for Evangelical Outreach. Philadelphia: Fortress,1978.
Menninger, Karl. Whatever Became of Sin? New York: Bantam, 1978.
Miller, Calvin. A View from the Fields. Nashville: Broadman, 1978.
Read, David Haxton Carswell. Go and Make Disciples. Nashville: Abingdon, 1978.
Smith, Bailey E. Real Evangelism: Exposing the Subtle Substitutes for That Evangelism. Nashville: Broadman, 1978; Nashville:World, 1999.
Sweazey, George E. The Church as Evangelist. San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1978.
Dalaba, Oliver V. That None Be Lost. Springfield, MO: Gospel Publishing, 1977.
Ford, Leighton. Good News Is for Sharing: A Guide to Making Friends for Christ. Elgin, IL: David C. Cook, 1977.
Hendrick, John R. Opening the Door of Faith: The Why, When, and Where of Evangelism. Atlanta: John Knox, 1977.
Hogue, C. B. I Want My Church to Grow. Nashville: Broadman, 1977.
Kennedy, D. James. Evangelism Explosion, Revised Edition. 1970; Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House, 1977.
Little, Paul E., ed. His Guide to Evangelism. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 1977, 1979
Miller, Herb. Evangelism’s Open Secrets. St. Louis: Bethany, 1977.
Borchert, Gerald L. Dynamics of Evangelism. Waco, TX: Word, 1976.
Colle, Beau. CB for Christians. Nashville: Broadman, 1976.
Dobbins, Gaines S. Good News to Change Lives: Evangelism for an Age of Uncertainty. Nashville: Broadman, 1976.
Gentry, Gardiner. Bus Them in. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1976.
Haney, David P. The Ministry Evangelism Weekend: Preparation Manual. Atlanta: Renewal Evangelism, 1976.
Havlik, John F. The Evangelistic Church. Nashville: Convention, 1976.
High School Evangelism. San Bernardino, CA: Campus Crusade for Christ, 1976.
Hogue, C. B. Love Leaves No Choice: Life-style Evangelism. Waco: Word, 1976.
Howard, David M. The Great Commission Today. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 1976.
Kuhne, Gary. The Dynamics of Personal Follow-Up. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1976.
Martin, Roger. R. A. Torrey: Apostle of Certainty. Murfreesboro, TN: Sword of the Lord, 1976.
McDill, Wayne Evangelism in a Tangled World. Nashville: Broadman, 1976.
Morgan, G. Campbell, Evangelism. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1976.
Northey, James. Outreach: Toward Effective Open-Air Evangelism. London: Salvationist, 1976.
Towns, Elmer. Evangelize Thru Christian Education. Wheaton, IL: Evangelical Teacher Training Association, 1976.
Warren, Max. I Believe in the Great Commission. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1976.
Watson, David. I Believe in Evangelism. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1976; London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1976.
Dhavamony, Mariasusia, S.J. Evangelisation. Rome: Università Gregoriana, 1975.
Drummond, Lewis. Leading Your Church in Evangelism. Nashville: Broadman, 1975.
Eims, Leroy. Winning Ways: The Adventure of Sharing Christ. Wheaton, IL: Victor, 1975.
Engel James F. and Wilbert Norton, What’s Gone Wrong with the Harvest? A Communication Strategy for the Church and World Evangelism. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1975.
Fackre, Gabriel. Word in Deed: Theological Themes in Evangelism. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1975.
Green, Hollis Lynn. Why Wait Till Sunday? An Action approach to Local Evangelism. Minneapolis: Bethany Fellowship, 1975.
Laney, James T. Evangelism: Mandates for Action. New York: Hawthorn, 1975.
Prior, Kenneth Francis William. The Gospel in a Pagan Society: A Book for Modern Evangelists. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 1975.
Neighbour, Ralph W. Jr., Target-Group Evangelism. Nashville: Broadman, 1975.
Paul VI. Evangelii Nuntiandi. Rome: Vatican, 8 December 1975.
Quere, Ralph W. Evangelical Witness: The Message, Medium, Mission, and Method of Evangelism. Minneapolis: Augsburg,1975.
Walker, Alan. The New Evangelism. Nashville: Abingdon, 1975.
Weber, Jaroy. Winning America to Christ. Nashville: Broadman, 1975.
Wiggins, Kembleton S. Soul Winning Made Easier: The Psychology of Getting More Decisions. Mountain View, CA: Pacific, 1975.
Chafin, Kenneth L. The Reluctant Witness. Nashville: Broadman, 1974.
Fish, Roy. Giving a Good Invitation. Nashville: Broadman, 1974.
Mayfield, William H. Restoring First Century Evangelism: for an Effective Program in Soul-Winning through the Rediscovery of the Witnessing Power of the Early Church: Evangelism Text Book and Training Manual. Cincinnati: New Life, 1974.
Henrichsen, Walter A. Disciples Are Made-not Born. Wheaton, IL: Victor, 1974.
Johnson, Daniel E. Building with Buses. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1974.
Koyama, Kosuke. Waterbuffalo Theology. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 1974, 1999.
Pickering, Ernest D. The Theology of Evangelism. Clarks Summit, PA: Baptist Bible College, 1974.
Rand, Ronald R. The Evangelism Helper. Cincinnati, OH: The Vine, 1974.
Sherrod, Paul. Successful Soul Winning: Proven Ideas to Challenge Every Christian to Be a Personal Worker. Lubbock, TX: P. Sherrod, 1974.
Washburn, Alphonso V. Reach Out to People: A People-to-People Emphasis. Nashville: Convention, 1974.
Coleman, Robert E. They Meet the Master: A Study Manual on the Personal Evangelism of Jesus. Old Tappan, NJ: Revell, 1973.
Fackre, Gabriel. Do and Tell: Engagement Evangelism in the ’70s. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1973.
Foust, Paul J. Reborn to Multiply: Tested Techniques for Personal Evangelism. St. Louis: Concordia, 1973.
Godfrey, George. How to Win Souls and Influence People for Heaven. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1973.
Hinkle, J. Herbert. Soul Winning in Black Churches. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1973.
Hogue, C.B. Lifestyle Evangelism. Atlanta, GA: Home Mission Board of the SBC, 1973.
Martin, O. Dean. Invite: What Do You Do after the Sermon? Nashville: Tidings, 1973.
Anderson, Ken. A Coward’s Guide to Witnessing. Carol Stream, IL: Creation House, 1972.
Brooks, W. Hal. Follow Up Evangelism. Nashville: Broadman, 1972.
Drummond, Lewis A. Evangelism—The Counter Revolution. London: Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1972.
Feather, R. Othal. Outreach Evangelism through the Sunday School. Nashville: Convention, 1972.
Green, Hollis L. Why Churches Die: A Guide to Basic Evangelism and Church Growth. Minneapolis: Bethany Fellowship, 1972.
Hendricks, Howard G. Say It with Love: The Art and Joy of Telling the Good News. Foreword by Billy Graham. Wheaton, IL: Victor, 1972, 1973.
Jauncey, James H. Psychology for Successful Evangelism. Foreword by Leighton Ford. Chicago: Moody, 1972.
Neighbour, Ralph W., Jr., The Touch of the Spirit. Nashville: Broadman, 1972.
Poulton, John. A Today Sort of Evangelism. London: Lutterworth, 1972.
Turnbull, Ralph G., ed. Evangelism Now. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1972.
Bisagno, John R. How to Have an Evangelistic Church. Nashville: Broadman, 1971.
Coggin, James E. You Can Reach People Now. Nashville: Broadman, 1971.
Grubb, Norman P. Continuous Revival. Fort Washington, PA: Christian Literature Crusade, 1971.
Lum, Ada. How to Begin an Evangelistic Bible Study. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 1971.
Mallough, Don. Grassroots Evangelism. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1971.
Starkes, M. Thomas. Interfaith Witness. Memphis: Brotherhood Commission, SBC, 1971.
White, Robert A. How to Win a Soul. Nashville: Southern Publication Association, 1971.
Brown, Fred. Secular Evangelism. London: SCM, 1970.
Child, Kenneth. In His Own Parish: Pastoral Care through Parochial Visiting. London: SPCK, 1970.
Exum, Jack. How to Win Souls Today. Shreveport, LA: Lambert, 1970.
Havlik, John F. People-Centered Evangelism. Nashville: Broadman, 1970, 1971.
Green, Michael. Evangelism in the Early Church. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1970.
Kennedy, Dennis James. Evangelism Explosion. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House, 1970; rev ed., 1977; 3rd ed.; 4th ed., 1994, 1996.
Peters, George W. Saturation Evangelism. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1970.
Target, George W. Tell It the Way It Is: A Primer for Christian Communicators. London: Lutterworth, 1970.
Bretscher, Paul G. The Holy Infection: The Mission of the Church in Parish and Community. In “The Witnessing Church Series.” Saint Louis: Concordia, 1969.
Martin, Gerald E. The Future of Evangelism. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1969.
Mumma, Howard. E. Take It to the People: New Ways in Soul Winning—Unconventional Evangelism New York: World, 1969.
Murphey, Buddy. Drawing the Net: The Soul Winners Workbook. Corpus Christi, TX: Buddy Murphey, 1969.
Wilder, Jack B. Biblical Blueprints for Building Witnessing Churches. Tigerville, SC: Jewel, 1969.
Henry, Carl F. H. and W. Stanley Mooneyham, eds. One Race, One Gospel, One Task: World Congress on Evangelism, Berlin, 1966. 2 vols. Minneapolis: World Wide Publications, 1967.
Metcalf, Harold E. The Magic of Telephone Evangelism. Atlanta: Southern Union Conference [of Seventh-Day Adventists], 1967.
Stott, John R. W. Our Guilty Silence: The Church, The Gospel, The World. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1967, 1976. 1966
Ford, Leighton. The Christian Persuader: A New Look at Evangelism Today. New York: Harper and Row, 1966.
Krupp, Nate. A World to Win: Secrets of New Testament Evangelism. Minneapolis: Bethany Fellowship, 1966.
Little, Paul E. How to Give Away Your Faith. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 1966.
Rader, Lyell. Re-discovering the Open Air Meeting; A Manual for Salvationist Soul-Winning. Wilmore, KY: Asbury Theological Seminary, Evangelism Dept., 1966.
Scharpff, Paulus. History of Evangelism: Three Hundred Years of Evangelism in Germany, Great Britain, and the United States of America, trans. Helga Bender Henry. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1966; trans Geschichte der Evangelisation: Dreihundert
Jahre Evangelisation in Deutschland, Großbritannien und USA. Giessen, West Germany: Brunnen Verlag, 1964.
Cullom, Peter E. Visitation Evangelism Everywhere, as Did the Lord Jesus and Early Christians. Washington, D.C.: Fishers of Men, 1965.
Graf, Arthur E. The Church in a Community: An Effective Evangelism Program for the Christian Congregation. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1965.
McLarry, Newman R., ed., Handbook on Evangelism: A Program of Evangelism for Southern Baptists. Nashville: Convention, 1965.
Moseley, J. Edward, ed., Evangelism—Commitment and Involvement. St. Louis: Bethany, 1965.
Mueller, Charles S. The Strategy of Evangelism: A Primer for Congregational Evangelism Committees. Saint Louis: Concordia, 1965.
Riggs, Ralph, et al. So Send I You—A Study In Personal Soul Winning. Gospel Publishing, 1965. Swearingen, Thomas E. and Mary G. Heeding the Spirit in Evangelism. Birmingham: Keystone, 1965.
Augsburger, Myron. Invitation to Discipleship: The Message of Evangelism. Scottsdale, PN: Herald, 1964.
Leavell, Roland Q. The Christian’s Business: Being a Witness. Nashville: Broadman, 1964.
Lovett, Cummings Samuel. Witnessing Made Easy. Baldwin Park, CA: Personal Christianity, 1964, 1971.
Wilson, Jim. Principles of War: A Handbook on Strategic Evangelism. Moscow, ID: Community Christian Ministries, 1964, 1983, 1991; under the title, Against the Powers, 1980.
Wood, Eernest J. A Church Fulfilling Its Mission through Proclamation and Witness. Nashville: SBC, 1964.
Brown, Stanley C. Evangelism in the Early Church: A Study in the Book of the Acts of the Apostles. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1963.
Coleman, Robert E. The Master Plan of Evangelism. Old Tappan, NJ: Revell, 1963.
Conant, J. E. Soul-Winning Evangelism: The Good News in Action. Grand Rapids, 1963.
Douglas, Mack R. How to Build an Evangelistic Church. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1963.
Olford, Stephen F. The Secret of Soul-Winning. Chicago: Moody, 1963, 1981.
Davenport, Ray W. A Syllabus for Classes in Personal Evangelism, 6th Ed. Whittier, CA: Ray W. Davenport, 1962.
de Jong, Pieter. Evangelism and Contemporary Theology: A Study of the Implications for Evangelism in the Thoughts of Six Modern Theologians. Nashville: Tidings, 1962.
Edwards, Gene. How to Have a Soul Winning Church. Springfield, MO: Gospel Publishing, 1962.
Fletcher, Joseph. Mission to Main Street: Five Study Units on the Work of the Church, the Function of the Lay Members, and the Place Where Witness Is Made. Greenwich, CT: Seabury, 1962.
Hyles, Jack. Let’s Go Soul Winning: A Step by Step Guide in How to Lead a Soul to Christ. Murfreesboro, TN: Sword of the Lord, 1962.
Rinker, Rosalind. You Can Witness with Confidence. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1962. Southard, Samuel. Pastoral Evangelism. Nashville, Broadman, 1962; Atlanta: John Knox, 1981.
Alabama Baptist State Convention, Department of Evangelism. Evangelize or Die! Montgomery: The Convention, 1961.
Autrey, C. E. You Can Win Souls. Nashville: Broadman, 1961.
Boer, Harry R. Pentecost and Missions. Lutterworth, 1961; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1961, 1964.
Kuiper, R. B. God Centered Evangelism. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1961, 1975; Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 1966.
Marty, Martin E. The Improper Opinion: Mass Media and the Christian Faith. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1961.
Messages on Evangelism: Delivered at Florida Baptist Evangelistic Conference, 1961. Orlando: Golden Rule, 1961.
Packer, J. I. Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 1961.
Rice, John R. The Golden Path to Successful Soul Winning. Wheaton, IL: Sword of the Lord, 1961.
Sellers, James Earl. The Outsider and the Word of God: A Study in Christian Communication. New York: Abingdon, 1961.
Webster, Douglas. What Is Evangelism? London: Highway Press, 1961.
1960 Bayly, Joseph. The Gospel Blimp. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1960.
Cox, Harvey. Manual for Church in World Witness: with Procedures for Church in World Conferences and Study Groups. New York : Division of Evangelism, American Baptist Home Mission Societies, 1960.
New Testament Evangelism: The Eternal Purpose. Nashville, Convention, 1960.
Shoemaker, Samuel M. With the Holy Spirit and with Fire. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1960.
Stewart, James A. Evangelism Without Apology: the Bob Jones University Lectures on Evangelism for 1959. Grand Rapids:Kregel, 1960.
Tull, Nelson F. Effective Christian Witnessing. Memphis: Brotherhood Commission, SBC, 1960, 1971.
Washburn, Alphonso V. Outreach for the Unreached. Nashville: Convention, 1960.
Autrey, C. E. Basic Evangelism. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1959; Memphis: Brotherhood Commission, SBC, 1960.
Feather, R. Othal. A Manual for Promoting Personal Evangelism through the Sunday School. Nashville: Convention Press,1959.
Lovett, Cummings Samuel. Soul-Winning Made Easy. Baldwin Park, CA: Personal Christianity, 1959, 1978.
Lovett, Cummings Samuel. Visitation Made Easy. Baldwin Park, CA: Personal Christianity, 1959.
Sanderson, Leonard, ed. Revival Plan Book. Dallas: Division of Evangelism, Home Mission Board, Southern Baptist Convention, 1959-1960.
Ellis, Howard W. Evangelism for Teen-Agers. New York: Abingdon, 1958.
Malone, Tom. Essentials of Evangelism: Bob Jones University Lectures on Evangelism for 1958. Murfreesboro, TN: Sword of the Lord, 1958.
McDormand, Thomas Bruce. Evangelism and a Saving Faith for Modern Man. 1958.
Powell, Sidney W. Where Are the Converts? Nashville: Broadman, 1958.
Sanderson, Leonard. Personal Soul-Winning. Nashville: Convention, 1958.
Sanderson, Leonard. The Association in Evangelism. Atlanta: Home Mission Board, SBC, 1958.
Colquhoun, Frank. The Fellowship of the Gospel: A New Testament Study in the Principles of Christian Cooperation. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1957.
Daniels, Elam Jackson. Techniques of Torchbearing. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1957.
Dean, Horace F. Operation Evangelism: The Bob Jones University Lectures on Evangelism for 1957. Grand Rapids: Zondervan,1957.
Dean, Horace F. Visitation Evangelism Made Practical: Reaching Your Community for Christ and the Church. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1957.
Downey, Murray. The Art of Soul-Winning. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1957, 1983.
Freeman, Clifford Wade, ed. The Doctrine of Evangelism. Nashville: Baptist General Conference of Texas, 1957.
Grindstaff, Wilmer E. Ways to Win: Methods of Evangelism for the Local Church. Nashville: Broadman, 1957.
Misselbrook, Lawrence Richard. Winning the People for Christ: An Experiment in Evangelism. London: Carey Kingsgate, 1957..
Robinson, Godfrey C. and Stephen F. Winward. The King’s Business: A Handbook for Christian Workers. England: Children’s Special Service Mission, 1957, 1958; U.S. Edition, 1960.
Sanny, Lorne. The Art of Personal Witnessing. Chicago: Moody, 1957.
Shoemaker, Samuel M. The Experiment of Faith: A Handbook for Beginners. New York: Harper, 1957.
Templeton, Charles B. Evangelism for Tomorrow. New York: Harper, 1957.
Gager, Leroy. Handbook for Soul Winners. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1956.
Gesswein, Armin Richard. Is Revival the Normal? Intro. by Billy Graham. Elizabethtown, PA: McBeth, 1956.
MacAulay, J. C. and Robert H. Belton. Personal Evangelism. Chicago: Moody, 1956.
McKay, Charles L. The Call of the Harvest. Nashville: Convention Press, 1956, 1976.
Short, Roy Hunter. Evangelism through the Local Church (New York: Abingdon, 1956.
Adeney, David H. The Unchanging Commission. Chicago: Moody, 1955.
Hartt, Julian N. Toward a Theology of Evangelism. New York: Abingdon, 1955
Jones, Bob, Sr., Evangelism Today: Where Is It Headed? Greenville, SC: Bob Jones University, 1955.
Lee, Robert G. How to Lead a Soul to Christ. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1955.
O’Brien, John A. Bringing Souls to Christ: Methods of Sharing the Faith with Others. Introduction by Francis Cardinal Spellman. Garden City, NY: Hanover House, 1955.
Overholtzer, J. Irvin. Handbook on Child Evangelism. Grand Rapids: Child Evangelism Fellowship, 1955.
Sweeting, George. The Evangelistic Campaign: A Book of Helps for Pastor and Evangelist. Chicago: Moody, 1955.
Chirgwin, Arthur Mitchell. A Book in his Hand: A Manual of Colportage. London: United Bible Societies, 1954.
Kantonen, Talto A. The Theology of Evangelism. Philadelphia: Muhlenberg, 1954.
Lawrence, J. B. The Holy Spirit in Evangelism. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1954.
Sweazey, George E. Effective Evangelism: The Greatest Work in the World. New York: Harper and Row, 1953, 1976. 1952
Bryan, Dawson Charles. Building Church Membership through Evangelism. New York: Abingdon-Cokesbury, 1952.
Harrison, Eugene Myers. How to Win Souls: A Manual of Personal Evangelism. Wheaton, IL: Van Kampen, 1952; Wheaton, IL: Scripture Press, 1952.
Lewis, Edwin. Theology and Evangelism. Nashville: Tidings, 1952.
Cook, Henry. The Theology of Evangelism: The Gospel in the World of To-Day. London: Carey Kingsgate, 1951.
Green, Bryan S. W. The Practice of Evangelism. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1951, 1952; New York: Scribner, 1951.
Leavell, Roland Q. Evangelism: Christ’s Imperative Command. Nashville: Broadman, 1951.
Munro, Harry C. Fellowship Evangelism through Church Groups. St. Louis: Cooperative Association, Bethany, 1951.
Barnett, Minyard Merrill. The Greatest of All Journeys: Soul Winner’s Chart. Fresno: CBF Press, 1950.
Ham, Edward E. Fifty Years on the Battle Front with Christ: A Biography of Mordecai F. Ham. Shelbyville, TN: Bible and Literature Missionary Foundation, 1950.
Head, Eldred Douglas. Evangelism in Acts. Fort Worth, TX: Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1950. Rice, John R. We Can Have Revival Now. Wheaton, IL: Sword of the Lord, 1950.
Smith, Oswald J. The Passion for Souls. London: Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1950, 1965.
Dobbins, Gaines S. Evangelism According to Christ. Nashville: Broadman, 1949.
Matthews, C. E. The Southern Baptist Program of Evangelism. Atlanta: Home Mission Board, SBC, 1949.
Powell, Sidney Waterbury. Toward the Great Awakening. New York: Abingdon-Cokesbury, 1949.
Wells, Robert J. and John R. Rice, eds. How to Have a Revival. Wheaton, IL: Sword of the Lord, 1949.
Whitesell, Faris D. Basic New Testament Evangelism. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1949.
Bryan, Dawson Charles. Handbook on Evangelism for Laymen. New York: Abingdon-Cokesbury, 1948.
O’Brien, John A. Winning Converts: A Symposium on Methods of Convert Making for Priests and Lay People. New York: P. J. Kennedy, 1948.
Henry, Carl F. H. The Uneasy Conscience of Modern Fundamentalism. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1947.
Kemp, Charles F. Physicians of the Soul. New York: Macmillan, 1947
Archibald, Arthur C. New Testament Evangelism: How It Works. Philadelphia: Judson, 1946, 1947.
Benson, Clarence H. Techniques of a Working Church. Chicago: Moody, 1946.
Cushman, Ralph Spalding. The Essentials of Evangelism. Nashville: Tidings, General Board of Evangelism, The Methodist Church, 1946.
Matthews, C. E. The Department of Evangelism and the Simultaneous Revival Program. Dallas: Baptist General Convention of Texas, 1946.
McCullough, William James. Home Visitation Evangelism for Laymen: A Manual. New York: American Baptist Home Mission Society, 1946.
Stone, John Timothy. Winning Men; Studies in Soul-Winning. New York: Revell, 1946.
Wood, Verda. Ringing Door Bells : the Art of Visiting. Nashville: Baptist Sunday School Board, 1946.
Barton, Levi Elder. Helps for Soul Winners. Montgomery: Paragon, 1945.
Muncy, William L. A History of Evangelism in the United States. Kansas City, KS: Central Seminary, 1945.
Whitesell, Faris D. Sixty-Five Ways to Give Evangelistic Invitations. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1945.
Berge, Selmer Alonzo. Evangelism in the Congregation. Minneapolis: Faith Action Movement, 1944.
Beardsley, Frank G. Religious Progress Through Revivals. New York: American Tract Society, 1943.
Homrighausen, Elmer G. Choose Ye This Day: A Study of Decision and Commitment in Christian Personality. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1943.
Appelman, Hyman. The Call to Conversion: Have You Been Born Again? Philadelphia:
Blakiston; New York: Revell, 1942. Blackwood, Andrew Watterson. Evangelism in the Home Church. New York: Abingdon-Cokesbury, 1942.
Leavell, Frank H. Christian Witnessing. Nashville: Broadman Press, 1942.
Leavell, Roland Q. The Romance of Evangelism. New York: Revell, 1942.
Bothwell, Robert H. “New Testament Principles of Personal Evangelism.” B.D. Thesis, Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1941.
Conant, J. E. No Salvation without Substitution. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1941.
Ellis, Howard W. Fishing for Men: Including a Suggested Scheme of Organization for Bands of “Fishermen” Together with a Plan and Program for Winning Those Who Are Lost and for Enlisting the Unenlisted Saved in the Service of Christ. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1941.
Ownbey, Richard L. Evangelism in Christian Education. Nashville: Abingdon, 1941.
Murray, Arthur L. Reaching the Unchurched. New York: Round Table, 1940. 1939
Campbell, Robert C. The Coming Revival. Nashville: Broadman, 1939.
Leavell, Roland Q. Helping Others to Become Christians. Atlanta: Home Mission Board, SBC, 1939.
McFatridge, F. V. The Personal Evangelism of Jesus (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1939).
Scarborough, L. R. Gay Lectures on Evangelism 1939. 1939.
Trimble, Henry Burton. To Every Creature. Nashville: Cokesbury, 1939.
White, F. C. Evangelism Today. London: Marshall, Morgan, and Scott, 1939. 1938
Chambers, Oswald. Workmen of God. New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1938.
Hamilton, William Wistar. Highways and edges. Nashville: Broadman, 1938.
Hedstrom, C. B. “Pay Day—Some day”: with Other Sketches from Life and Messages from the Word. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1938.
Bader, Jesse M., ed. The New Message and Method of the New Evangelism: A Joint Statement of the Evangelistic Mission of the Church. New York: Round Table, 1937.
Haynes, Carlyle B. Living Evangelism. Tacoma Park, WA: Review and Herald, 1937.
Morgan, G. Campbell, The Great Physician (New York: Revell, 1937).
Muncy, William L. New Testament Evangelism. Kansas City: Central Seminary Press, 1937.
Phillips, William A. The Follow-Up in Evangelism. Philadelphia: The John Mason Jackson Fund of the American Baptist Publication Society, 1937.
Spurr, Frederic C. The Evangelism for OUR Time. London: Epworth, 1937.
Bailey, Ambrose M. Evangelism in a Changing World. New York: Round Table Press, 1936.
Clark, Elmer T., ed., Methodism Vitalized, Studies in Evangelism by Bishops John M. Moore, A. Frank Smith, W. N. Ainsworth, and Paul B. Kern. Nashville: Board of Missions, Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1936.
Hough, Lynn Harold. The Great Evangel. Nashville: Cokesbury, 1936.
Houghton, Will H. Lessons in Soul-Winning. Chicago: Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, 1936.
Leavell, Roland Q. Winning Others to Christ. Nashville: Sunday School Board of the SBC, 1936; Nashville: Convention, 1936.
MacDonald, William C. Modern Evangelism. London: James Clarke, 1936, 1937.
Orr, J. Edwin. This Is the Victory: 10,000 Miles of Miracle in America. London: Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1936; Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1936.
Sunday School Board, Ringing Door Bells: the Art of Visiting. Nashville: Department of Young People’s and Adult Sunday School Work, Sunday School Board, Southern Baptist Convention, 1936.
Warren, Max. Interpreters: A Study in Contemporary Evangelism. London: Highway Press, 1936.
Wilson, Walter Lewis. Let’s Go Fishing with the Doctor. Findlay, OH: Fundamental Truth, 1936; Grand Rapids: Dunham, 1964.
Crawford, Percy B. The Art of Fishing for Men. Philadelphia: The Mutual, 1935.
Hamilton, William Wistar. The Fine Art of Soul-Winning. Nashville: Sunday School Board of the SBC, 1935.
Mott, John R. Cooperation and the World Mission. New York: International Missionary Council, 1935.
Orr, J. Edwin. The Promise Is to You: 10,000 Miles of Miracle—to Palestine. London: Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1935.
Burroughs, Prince Emanuel. How to Win to Christ. Nashville: Sunday School Board of the SBC, 1934; Nashville: Convention, 1934.
Cartwright, Lin D. Evangelism for Today. St. Louis: Bethany, 1934, 1943.
Flake, Arthur. Building a Standard Sunday School. Nashville: Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, 1934.
Lowry, Oscar. Scripture Memory for Successful Soul-Winning. New York: Revell, 1934.
Orr, J. Edwin. God Can——? “10,000 Miles of Miracles in Britain.” London: Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1934; Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1934.
Wood, Frederick P. Studies in Soul-Winning. London: Marshall Brothers, National Young Life Campaign, 1934; Rev. Ed. London: Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1934.
De Blois, Austen Kennedy. Evangelism in the New Age. Philadelphia: Judson, 1933.
Smith, J. Oswald. The Revival We Need. Foreword by Jonathan Goforth. London: Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1933; 1940. 1932 [Hocking Report].
Rethinking Missions: A Laymen’s Inquiry after One Hundred Years. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1932.
Shoemaker, Samuel M. The Conversion of the Church. New York: Revell, 1932.
Dodd, M. E. Missions Our Mission. Nashville: Sunday School Board of the SBC, 1930.
Massee, Jasper C. The Pentecostal Fire: Rekindling the Flame. Philadelphia: Judson, 1930
Massee, Jasper C. Rekindling the Pentecostal Fire. Butler, IN: Higley, 1930.
Reisner, Christian F. Disciple Winners. New York: Abingdon, 1930.
Cooper, Raymond W. Modern Evangelism: A Practical Course in Effective Evangelistic Methods. New York: Revell, 1929.
Hamilton, William Wistar. Wisdom in soul winning. Nashville: Sunday School Board of the SBC, 1929.
Herrick, Carl E. Modern Evangelism: A Practical Course in Effective Evangelistic Methods. New York: Revell, 1929.
Kernahan, A. Earl. Christian Citizenship and Visitation Evangelism. New York: Revell, 1929.
Neil, Samuel Graham. A Great Evangelism. Philadelphia: Judson, 1929.
Clark, Glenn, Fishers of Men. Boston: Little, Brown, 1928.
Cowan, John F. New Youth Evangelism: for Workers Among Young People of To-day. New York: Revell, 1928.
Lewis, Sinclair. Elmer Gantry. Berlin: E. Rowolht, 1928; New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1929.
Loud, Grover Cleveland. Evangelized America. New York, L. MacVeagh, the Dial Press, 1928; Toronto,
Longmans, Green, 1928; Freeport, NY: Books for Libraries Press, 1971.
McDowell, William Fraser. That I May Save Some. New York: Abingdon, 1928.
Visser ‘t Hooft, W. A. The Background of the Social Gospel in America. Haarlem: H. D. Tjeenk Willink and Zoon, 1928; St. Louis, MO: Bethany Press, 1963, 1968.
Taylor, Frederick Eugene. The Evangelistic Church. Philadelphia: Judson, 1927.
Zahniser, Charles Reed. Case Work Evangelism: Studies in the Art of Christian Personal Work. New York: Revell, 1927.
Goodell, Charles L. Motives and Methods in Modern Evangelism. New York: Revell, 1926.
Scarborough, L. R. How Jesus Won Men. Nashville: Tennessee Sunday School Board, 1926.
Speer, Robert E. The Church and Missions. London: James Clarke, n.d.; New York,George H. Doran,1926.
Chappell, E. B. Evangelism in the Sunday School. Nashville: Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1925.
Crume, Thomas Clinton. Evangelism in Action. Louisville: Pentecostal, 1925.
Kernahan, A. Earl. Visitation Evangelism: Its Methods and Results. New York: Revell, 1925, 1935.
Scarborough, L. R. A Search for Souls: A Study in the Finest of the Arts—Winning the Lost to Christ. Nashville: Tennessee Sunday School Board, 1925.
Stilwell, H. F. The Stewardship of Evangelism. New York: Board of Missionary Cooperation of the NBC, 1925.
Rockey, Carroll J. Fishing for Fishers of Men. Philadelphia: United Lutheran, 1924.
Fletcher, Lionel B. The Effective Evangelist. New York: George H. Doran, 1923; London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1923.
Sellers, Ernest O. Personal Evangelism: Studies in Individual Efforts to Lead Souls into Right Relations to Christ. Nashville: Sunday School Board of the SBC, 1923; New York: Doran, 1923.
Conant, J. E. Every Member Evangelism. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1922; revised by Roy Fish, 1976. Gage, Albert H. Evangelism of Youth. Philadelphia: Judson, 1922.
Hicks, Joseph P. Ten Lessons in Personal Evangelism. New York: Doran, 1922.
Scarborough, L. R. Endued to Win. Nashville: Sunday School Board of the SBC, 1922.
Biederwolf, William E. Evangelism: Its Justification, Its Operation and Its Value. New York: Revell, 1921. Hannan, F. Watson. Evangelism. New York: Methodist Book Concern, 1921.
Bryan, O. E. The Ethics of Evangelism. Louisville: The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1920.
Stewart, George, Jr. and Henry B. Wright, Personal Evangelism among Students: Studies in the Practice of Friendship in School and College. New York: Association, 1920.
Johnston, Howard A. Enlisting for Christ and the Church. New York: Association, 1919.
Pell, Edward Leigh. How Can I Lead my Pupils to Christ? New York: Revell, 1919.
Scarborough, L. R. With Christ After the Lost. Nashville: Tennessee Sunday School Board, 1919; New York: George H. Doran,1919; Nashville: Broadman, 1919, 1952, 1953.
Stewart, George. The Practice of Friendship: Studies in Personal Evangelism with Men of the United States Army and Navy in American Training Camps. New York: Association, 1918.
Trumbull, Charles G. What Is the Gospel? Straightforward Talks on Evangelism. Philadelphia: Sunday School Times, 1918; New York: Harper and Brothers, 1918; Minneapolis: The Harrison Service, 1944.
Condé, Bertha. The Human Element in the Making of a Christian: Studies in Personal Evangelism. New York: Scribner’s, 1917.
Rauschenbusch, Walter. A Theology for the Social Gospel. New York: Macmillan, 1917; Nashville: Abingdon, 1978.
Torrey, Reuben A. Individual Soulwinning. Los Angeles: Biola, 1917.
Truett, George W. A Quest for Souls. New York: Doran, 1917; Nashville: Broadman, 1917.
Faris, John T. The Book of Personal Work. New York: Doran, 1916.
Ward, Harry Frederick. Social Evangelism. New York: Missionary Education Movement of the U.S. and Canada, 1915. 1914
Burroughs, Prince Emanuel. Winning to Christ. Nashville: Tennessee Sunday School Board, 1914, 1923.
Riley, W. B. The Crisis of the Church. New York: Cook, 1914.
Scarborough, L. R. Recruits for World Conquest. New York: Revell, 1914.
Dean, John Marvin. Evangelism and Social Service. Philadelphia: Griffith & Rowland, 1913. 1911 Kilpatrick, Thomas B. New Testament Evangelism. 1911.
Chafer, Lewis Sperry. True Evangelism or Winning Souls by Prayer. 1st ed. Philadelphia: Sunday School Times, 1911; 2nd ed., Philadelphia: Sunday School Times, 1919; Wheaton, IL:Van Kampen; Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1967, 16th printing, 1981; Grand Rapids: Kregel, 1993.
Evans, William. Personal Soul-Winning. Chicago: Moody, 1910.
Green, Oscar Olin. Normal Evangelism. New York: Revell, 1910.
Stone, John Timothy. Recruiting for Christ: Hand to Hand Methods with Men. New York: Revell, 1910.
Hamilton, William Wistar. Sane Evangelism. Philadelphia: American Baptist, 1909.
Sheridan, Wilbur Fletcher. The Sunday-Night Service: A Study in Continuous Evangelism. Cincinnati: Jennings and Graham; New York: Eaton and Mains, 1908.
Goodell, Charles L. Pastoral and Personal Evangelism. New York: Revell, 1907.
Harnack, Adolf and Wilhelm Hermann. Essays on the Social Gospel. London: Williams and Norgate, 1907.
MacLean, John Kennedy. Triumphant Evangelism: The Three Years Mission of Dr. Torrey and Mr. Alexander in Great Britain and Ireland. London: Marshall, 1907.
Peile, James H. F. The Reproach of the Gospel: An Inquiry into the Apparent Failure of Christianity as a General Rule of Life and Conduct, with a Special Reference to the Present Time. London: Longmans, Green, 1907.
Trumbull, Charles Gallaudet. Taking Men Alive: Studies in the Principles and Practise of Individual Soul-Winning. New York: The International Committee of the YMCA, 1907; 1915; New York: Revell, 1938.
Mabie, Henry C. Method in Soul-Winning: on Home and Foreign Fields. New York: Revell, 1906.
Davenport, Frederick Morgan, Primitive Traits in Religious Revivals: A Study in Mental and Social Evolution. New York: Macmillan, 1905.
Riley, W. B. The Perennial Revival: A Plea for Evangelism. Chicago: The Winona Publishing Company, 1904; Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication Society, 1916.
Chapman, J. Wilbur. Present Day Evangelism. New York: Revell, 1903, 1913.
Banks, Louis Albert. Soul Winning Stories. New York: American Tract, 1902; New York: George H. Doran, 1902.
Mallalieu, W. F. The Why, When and How of Revivals. New York: Eaton and Mains; Cincinnati: Jennings and Pye, 1901.
Torrey, Reuben A. How to Work for Christ: A Compendium of Effective Methods. New York:
Revell, 1901; Los Angeles: Revell, 1920 [includes Book One, “Personal Work;” Book Two, “Methods of Christian Work;” and Book Three, “Preaching and Teaching the Word of God”]. 518 pages.
Torrey, Reuben A. Personal Work [part one of How to Work for Christ]. New York: Revell, 1901.
Torrey, Reuben A., ed. How to Promote and Conduct a Successful Revival. Chicago: Revell, 1901
Trumbull, Henry Clay. Individual Work for Individuals: A Record of Personal Experiences and Convictions. New York: The International Committee of the Young Men’s Christian Associations, 1901.
Johnston, James, ed. Ecumenical Missionary Conference, New York, 1900: Report of the Ecumenical Conference on Foreign Missions, Held in Carnegie Hall and Neighboring Churches, April 21 to May 1. New York: American Tract Society, 1900.
Torrey, Reuben A. The Missionary’s Message—The Full Gospel. Los Angeles: Biola, n.d.
Torrey, Reuben A. The Wondrous Joy of Soul Winning. London: The “One by One” Working Band; Los Angeles: Biola, n.d. 1898
Gladden, Washington. The Christian Pastor and the Working Church. New York: Scribner’s, 1898.
Brealey, W. J. H. Always Abounding: or, Recollections of the Life and Labours of the Late George Brealey, the Evangelist of the
Blackdown Hills. Kilmarnock, Scotland: John Ritchie, 1897; London: W. G. Wheeler, 1897; London: John F. Shaw, 1897;
Glasgow: Pickering & Inglis, 1897; London: S. Bagster & Sons, 1897; New York: Gospel Pub. House, 1897.
Spurgeon, Charles H. The Soul Winner. New York: Revell, 1895; Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1947; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,1963, 1964, 1995.
Peck, Jonas O. The Revival and the Pastor. New York: Eaton and Mains; Cincinnati: Curts and Jennings, 1894.
Torrey, Reuben A. How to Bring Men to Christ. New York: Revell, 1893; Chicago: Moody, 1910; Minneapolis: Bethany, 1977. 1892
Banks, Louis Albert. The Revival Quiver. Boston: Lee and Shepard, 1892.
Pierson, A. T. From the Pulpit to the Palm-Branch: A Tribute to Charles Haddon Spurgeon. New York,
A.C. Armstrong, 1892. Shindler, Robert Doy. From the Usher’s Desk to the Tabernacle Pulpit: The Life and Labors of Charles Haddon Spurgeon. New York: American Tract Society, 1892; New York: A. C. Armstrong, 1892; London: Passmore and Alabaster, 1892.
Knapp, Martin Wells. Revival Kindlings. Cincinnati: God’s Revivalist Office, 1890.
Gall, James. The Evangelistic Baptism Indispensable to the Church for the Conversion of the World. “Science of Mission.” Edinburgh: Gall and Inglis, 1888.
Johnston, James, ed. Report of the Centenary Conference on the Protestant Missions of the World Held in Exeter Hall (June 9th-19th), London, 1888. New York: Revell, 1888.
Thwing, Charles Franklin. The Working Church, New York: Baker and Taylor, 1888; rev. ed. 1889; New York: Revell, 1913.
Pierson, A. T. Evangelistic Work in Principles and Practice. New York: Baker and Taylor, 1887; London: Dickinson, 1888; rev. ed., London: Passmore and Alabaster, 1892.
Hervey, George Winfred. Manual of Revivals: Practical Hints and Suggestions from Histories of Revivals and Biographies of Revivalists, with Themes for the Use of Pastors and Missionaries Before, During, and After Special Services, Including the Texts, Subjects, and Outlines of the Sermons of Many Distinguished Evangelists. New York: Funk and Wagnall’s, 1884.
Fish, Henry Clay. Handbook of Revivals: For the Use of Winners of Souls. Boston: J. H. Earle, 1874. 1860s Earle, Absalom B. and J. C. Buttre. Bringing in the Sheaves. Boston: J. H. Earle, 1869.
Humphrey, Heman. Revival Sketches and Manual: in Two Parts. New York: American Tract Society, 1859.
Spencer, Ichabod [pastor, 2nd Presbyterian, Brooklyn, NY; founder of Union Theological Seminary]. Conversations with Anxious Souls Concerning the Way of Salvation. New York: M. W. Dodd, 1853; Solid Ground, 2006.
Taylor, William. Seven Years Street Preaching in San Francisco: Embracing Incidents, Triumphant Death Scenes, Etc. New York: Carlton and Porter, 1856, 1857, 1858.
Finney, Charles G. Lectures on the Revival of Religion: From Notes by the Editor of “New York Evangelist,” Revised by the Author [1825]. From 6th American Edition, 2nd British Edition [hence 8th Edition]. London: Milner [Paternoster Row], 1838. 396 pages.
Finney, Charles G. Lectures on the Revival of Religion. 9th Edition. London: Thomas Tegg, 1839. 396 pages.
Finney, Charles G. Lectures on the Revival of Religion: A New Edition. Revised and enlarged. Oberlin, OH: E. J. Goodrich,1868. 445 pages.
Finney, Charles G. Finney on Revival, arranged by E. E. Shelhamer. 1834, 1839, 1850, 1868; Minneapolis: Bethany House, 1988; 120 pages.
Finney, Charles G. Lectures on Revival, Kevin Walter Johnson, ed., a modified edition of Lectures on Revivals of Religion,1835; Minneapolis: Bethany House, 1988; 288 pages.
Finney, Charles G. True and False Repentance: Evangelistic Sermons. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 1966. Sprague, William B. Lectures on the Revival of Religion. 1832; London: Banner of Truth Trust, 1959.
Carey, William. “An Enquiry whether the Commission given by our Lord to His Disciples be not still Binding on Us,” in An Enquiry into the Obligations of Christians to use Means for the Conversion of the Heathen. 1792.
Edwards, Jonathan. Jonathan Edwards on Revival: A Narrative of Surprising Conversions [1736], The Distinguishing Marks of a Work of the Holy Spirit [1941]; An Account of the Revival of Religion in Northampton [1740-1742]. Edinburgh: Banner of Truth, 1965.
Fuller, Andrew. The Gospel Worthy of All Acceptation. 1784.
Gill, John. Body of Divinity. London: George Keith, 1769; Tegg, 1839; Grand Rapids: Baker, 1978.
Gill, John. The Cause of God and Truth. London: Aaron Ward, 1735.
Hussey, Joseph. The Glory of Christ Vindicated, … London: William and Joseph Marshall, 1707; Philadelphia: printed by Joseph
Crukshank for John M’Gibbons, 1771.
Owen, John (1616-1683). Death of Death in the Death of Christ. Edinburgh: Banner of Truth, 1959.
Calvin, John. “A Letter to Some Friends” (1540), “A Short Treatise” (1543), “Answer of John Calvin to the Nicodemite Gentlemen Concerning Their Complaint That He Is Too Severe” (1544), “Four Sermons” (1552), “A Response to a Certain Dutchman” (1562), in Come Out From Among Them: ‘Anti-Nicodemite’ Writings of John Calvin. Trans. By Seth Solnitsky. Dallas: Protestant Heritage, 2001.
Jean Crespin, Histoire des vrays Tesmoins de la verite de l’evangile, qui de leur sang l’ont signée, depuis Jean Hus iusques autemps present [History of the True Witnesses to the Truth of the Gospel, Who with Their Blood Signed, from John Hus to the Present]. Geneva, 1554, 1555, 1556, 1561, 1564, 1570; reproduction, Liège, 1964. [Most Protestant Martyrologies taught how to share the Gospel and take a stand for Jesus]