Paz de Jesus Cristo aos meus irmãos de todo o mundo! Meus irmãos! Eu sou um jovem de 16 anos e faço o 2º Ano do Ensino Médio em meu país, o Brasil, que é o último período para entrarmosRead more…
Getting in the Way of the Good News: A Pig in the Manger
My wife and I bought a transparent nativity scene that we stuck up on a window to cover a crack. (We took it down the other day because the window has been repaired by our church…) The stable, the figuresRead more…
Where is Jesus?
Following a wonderful worship service at my church this morning, and a challenge from our pastor to stand up for righteousness in our society where boundaries are hazier, truth is a five-letter word, and the unbelievers’ voices are louder thanRead more…
Jésus dans la culture contemporaine
Qui est Jésus aujourd’hui ? Comment nos contemporains perçoivent-ils Jésus dans nos sociétés post-modernes ? Un article…
Rest in a Restless Society – A Godly Counterpoint to Busyness and Burnout
I remember a few years ago we ran a youth camp over Easter. We had nearly all of our campers sign up for a workshop on “Burnout” run by a Christian social worker. There were other workshops but this issueRead more…
Urban Mission: Empathy and Evangelism Must Go Hand in Hand
Our church hosts an interdenominational soup kitchen (because of our location in the city centre). We take it in turns to provide the volunteers and the soups. It was our turn. Picture this…. It is winter and one of the coldestRead more…
Jesus – the Way to a Redeemed and Fully Realised Humanity
I like being shielded from harsh realities. Newspapers can be read selectively and later used to start a braai (barbecue). TV bulletins can be turned off. Yet there is a steady stream of humanity from across the Zimbabwe border that is impactingRead more…
Jesus – monk or manager? The answer could change your life!
When you think about Jesus, what kind of minister do you think he was? This may sound like a strange question, but it is important to answer it honestly! I have come to see that most Christians tend to thinkRead more…
Are you a blessing? *****
I received this testimony from a young Swiss woman via Facebook. It really encouraged me, especially the post script, and I wanted to share it with you because it illustrates what the Holy Spirit does behind the computer screens. –Read more…
Have you met Jesus?
Have you ever been asked who was the person who had the most influence over your life? I seem to be asked that question a lot. My answer is always the same. My grandfather is the one person who taughtRead more…