Christian Finance in 2010

An article from the Atlas of Global Christianity on global Christian income and giving.

Giving for Life Downloads

A webpage to download various resources related to the Church of England Giving for Life initiative. This initiative encourages generosity and giving amongst members of the Church of England but would be useful in other contexts as well.

Giving for Life website

The website for the Giving for Life initiative of the Church of England to encourage generosity and giving amongst members of local churches.

Giving for Life Talk Outline

An outline for a talk/sermon on giving and generosity linked to the Giving for Life initiative of the Church of England. The aim is to help church members understand a wider picture on giving.

Giving for Life Powerpoint Presentation

A presentation on the Giving for Life initiative of the Church of England to encourage generous living and giving in local congregations

Giving for Life: Encouraging Generosity in Your Parish

Some Giving For Life Resources, developed by the Church of England to encourage generous giving and life in local congregations. It is very useful to other churches as well. A Brochure, a powerpoint presentation, an outline for a talk/sermon onRead more…

ECFA’s Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship

Standards that help Christian ministries earn the public’s trust. The Standards focus on board governance, financial transparency, integrity in fundraising, and proper use of charity resources.

Lausanne Standards

Affirmations and agreements for giving and receiving money in mission.

Unleash generous disciples

A presentation that encourages thinking on moving church members from being attendants to generous disciples.

Corporate Generosity Declaration

A generosity commitment that churches, ministries and Christian networks can sign as commitment to living generously