Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds

Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds is a publication of the US National Intelligence Council that aims at providing a framework for thinking about the future. It intends to stimulate strategic thinking by identifying critical trends and potential discontinuities. The reportRead more…

Minority Report

Listening to voices of dissent and discontent can be hard.  Listening to them well can be painful. Listening to people express tension when you have planned and worked so hard toward unity can be almost impossible. The  voices are there.  TheyRead more…

The United Nations and the Global God

How does the work of the United Nations relate to the work of the Kingdom of God, and vice versa? Do they overlap? Do you have some practical examples to share? Consider these two brief quotes below as a launchingRead more…

Church Free or Fearful?

My main point was and is why church is so weak in third world countries? And now I can add are these 3rd world so poor and undeveloped because church is weak here? When I was working with a ChristianRead more…

Emerging Technologies and the Human Future

Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by Nigel Cameron and John Wyatt as an overview of the topic to be discussed at the Multiplex session on “Ethics, Emerging Technologies and the Human Future.” Responses toRead more…