The church has created mimes,dance teams,step teams,pupperteers,and the list goes on;to get the youth in the church but how can they them the youth in the church. it must be done through the word of God. god’s word is transformingRead more…
Have we lost our savor? Are we known as just another religion and one of with people who’s lives overall lack the testimony of the dedication, beauty, grace, compassion, joy, and understanding of our Lord Jesus… who’s fruit is notRead more…
The Example We Impart
Yesterday, my autistic daughter was looking over my shoulder as I was perusing my Twitter home page. She left the room with a nervous giggle and returned to the doorway several minutes later. With a smile that I recognized asRead more…
Jesus’ Strategy to Equip His Disciples
Jesus’ Strategy to Equip His Disciples[i] Jesus called the disciples in order that he could equip them to transform the world through His message of salvation. “Jesus was calling people to forsake the normal obligations of family and work inRead more…
A Good Leader
Colossians 1, gives us 7 characteristics of a spiritual leader.God has blessed me with mentors in my Christian walk. Through their example I have learned the importance of having a good leader to help as you grow in life & ministry.Read more…