Dr. Myles Munroe once mentioned, “the poorest person in the world is a person without a dream.” I firmly believe we have several generations that have compromised their purpose in pursuit the American dream. The market place is overflowing withRead more…
Todos tenemos en lo mas profundo de nuestro ser un Temor a que nuestra existencia sea insignificante, nos preguntamos; Cuanta Gente ira a mi Funeral? Hare Historia? Lograre cumplir con las espectativas de la gente a mi Alrededor? CunadoRead more…
Lost and Found
Forty-three years ago today my life was changed FOREVER! On June 4, 1967, I walked down the aisle of my childhood church and accepted Christ as my Savior and Lord! I was nine years old. On that Sunday around 12Read more…