The Myth of Fame & Fortune

Society’s fascination with Hollywood and celebrities has just gone a little crazy. Millions idolize those who have achieved fame and fortune, but stardom does not provide the satisfaction that it advertises. Marilyn Monroe could have told us that. Consider theRead more…

Teaching Our Children to Work

Why do some children love to work, and others get depressed just thinking about it? Well, some of the difference can be traced to temperaments, but generally speaking, children learn what they’ve been taught. Some well-meaning parents think childhood shouldRead more…

Stress and the Human Body

I wonder if you’ve ever had an experience like the one I went through a few years ago? I’d gone to bed early one night and I was lying there waiting for my wife to finish some work in theRead more…

Regenerating Feelings

There’s a popular song that goes, “You’ve lost that loving feeling.” Another said, “The feeling’s gone and I just can’t get it back.” If you feel like you’ve lost the romance that first drew you together, and most of usRead more…

More Sparks in Marriage

If your marriage seems to have lost the old spark lately, maybe it’s time to make a few changes. Many happily married couples become bored and dissatisfied with each other simply because they forgot to take time out for fun.

Moms and Sons

You know, many women these days report feeling anxious and insecure about the task of raising their sons. Whether they’re single or married, there’s just a sense of not being equipped to meet the special challenges of teaching and trainingRead more…

Love is Like a Rose

One of the great myths about romantic love is that if a couple is genuinely in love, that condition is permanent and will last a lifetime. Love, even genuine love, is a fragile commodity. Like more than one popular songRead more…

Keys to a Healthy Marriage

The key to a healthy marriage is to keep your eyes wide open before you wed, and then half-closed thereafter. Every year there are an astounding number of marriages that hit the skids, and part of the problem is theRead more…

High Voltage Marriage

Which of the following marriages do you think is most likely to enjoy the greatest physical attraction? Is it the couple that spends every waking hour together and focuses almost exclusively on one another? Or, is it the man andRead more…

Caring for Elderly Parents

Could it be that the elderly member of your family has not found the words to tell you the thoughts and needs that are trapped inside? With just the right combination of love and acceptance, those important feelings and ideasRead more…