China: the fundraising dragon awakes

Or, how do you persuade more than half a billion1 affluent, as yet uninspired individuals that they should become charity donors for the first time ever? Modern China is no newcomer to addressing social issues, leading development, tackling poverty reduction or helping thoseRead more…

National Resource Mobilization Seminar – August 2015

We are pleased to announce the next round of training programme for Christian leaders in resource mobilization through the National Resource Mobilisation Seminar.  It will be held on the 21st and 22ndAugust 2015 at the CEO Centre.  This seminar will benefit participants from Christian NGOs,Read more…

The Next Generation of American Giving

This is a study on the multichannel preferences and charitable habits of Generation Y, Generation X, Baby Boomers and Matures in the USA. The study looks at how charities should adapt by surveying donors about their behavior and attitudes. InRead more…

7 Things Funders Don’t Get About Fundraising

In the nonprofit world there is often a disconnect between funders of nonprofits and their understanding of the fundraising activity necessary to secure their gifts. Funders (and board members) rarely understand how critical fundraising is, how it works, and what’s required to doRead more…

State of Civil Society 2015

The ’State of Civil Society 2015’ report addresses some of the most urgent global issues. From humanitarian response to long-term peacebuilding, civil society is often at the frontline of the world’s challenges. There is a specific focus on resource mobilization. ManyRead more…

Who is the hero of your story?

As a fundraiser, one of the most important questions you should be asking yourself is this: “Who is the hero of my story?” If your organization’s fundraising is like most, the answer is obvious: Most organization’s fundraising materials depict the organizationRead more…

CECP – Giving in Numbers 2015

After a short hiatus, we’re back with a new infographic, courtesy of CECP, a coalition of one hundred and fifty CEOs ”united in the belief that societal improvement is an essential measure of business performance,” and the Conference Board, a global business membershipRead more…

Infographics on Learning Circles, asset giving, agency funding and grassroots women’s movements

GrantCraft designed a few very good infographics that are attached including: 1) Sharing Knowledge & Growing Practice in Learning Circles – 2) Funder Approach: Give a Woman an Asset – 3) Why Fund Agency? - 4) Women’s Grassroots Movements -

Southern Baptists generously support missions

As they plan creative new ways to reach the lost, the International Mission Board and Woman’s Missionary Union leaders expressed gratitude to Southern Baptists for the generous support churches gave to the 2014 Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for international missions. Finalized inRead more…