Biblical Giving, Holding Donors Accountable

  Biblical Injunction to Give, Holding Donors Accountable   Issues of finance tend to loom large on the mission-field, as elsewhere. Many today believe this to be appropriate, as they believe that the mission of the church in the WestRead more…

Language Choice in Theological Education: Africa

Experience of working within Western Kenya quickly reveals the basic unpopularity of MT (Mother Tongue) in theological education, as also in other fields.  In a fundamental way in people’s minds formal education has become associated with English and the learningRead more…

Prosperity Gospel: Blessed Charity or Corruption?

“We determined that we were going to do things for ourselves and not be dependent on outsiders to support us” shared a Pentecostal pastor (Bob) from rural Africa during a theological class recently.  “But”, he added (onerously to me!) “ItRead more…