The Christian vision of human flourishing does not simply call for a political response.Rather, it insists that without personal moral responsibility, an active culture ofvoluntarism, personal financial generosity, community participation, the responsible useof natural resources, productive and responsible business ethics,Read more…
3 Ways to Develop a Lifestyle of Generosity
Winston Churchill once said, “You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give.” Churchill was a great leader, and what he said about giving really drives home the point of what I thinkRead more…
The Season of Charity??
Santa Claus just came through my office. Actually, it was a non-bearded, UPS guy who was wearing brown instead of red. His belly did not shake appropriately, either. But, he was delivering a Santa gift that will magically appear inRead more…
Share Magazine
Share is the official magazine of Stewardship, published three times each year. Packed full of inspirational stories, thoughts and reflections: Generous living and godly giving Interviews, advice and stories from those in the know Good news from our recipient community TechnicalRead more…
You Have More to Give
A number of years ago, I was serving as an administrator at a college in Tennessee. I was under enormous pressure at work to deliver significant growth for the institution. My team was feeling the pressure – and IRead more…
When You Think You Can’t Give More – Give Anyway
When I feel like there’s nothing left, when I’m under enormous pressure, when my life and work are chaotic – even then, I can give more – to my family, to my team, to my friends, to future leaders. And so can you. Feel freeRead more…
Missions Africa Trust Fund Ghana Consultation Press Release and Presentations
15 African Christian leaders met on 29 and 30 October 2014 at the Hephzibah Christian Centre near Accra, Ghana to discuss mission giving in Africa and develop a strategy to launch the Missions Africa Trust Fund (MATF) in 2015. 10Read more…
The Christmas lights are switched on in the high street, the John Lewis Christmas advert is all over Facebook, and supermarkets have been stocking mince pies for a month already… In the midst of the consumerist hum, we inviteRead more…
Takers, Traders, and Givers: Which Are You?
In recent years, I’ve asked several very successful friends this question: “How important are relationships to the flourishing of your personal life and the success of your business?” They always respond with one word: vital. Not surprisingly, then, the folks I knowRead more…
Cultivating a Simple Life
God doesn’t often compete with the white noise of our lives. We live in world of constant motion. We insulate our lives with the hum of electronics and continually revolving to-do lists. And we are missing God as a result.Read more…