What language do you teach in? Recently, our daughter posted on Facebook: “I teach in four languages every day: English, Spanish, Burmese and Love!” Well, you can imagine I “liked” that comment right away. Ashley graduated fromRead more…
Facilitators in Cross-cultural Partnerships: A response to Phill Butler
I found myself chuckling and nodding in agreement as I saw these videos because it mirrors so many situations I have experienced. As I watched, I tried to focus on a reaction instead of trying to over-analyze. Cross cultural partneringRead more…
Observations of Cross-Cultural Partnerships: A response to Phill Butler
To facilitate a truly global conversation, we ask Christian leaders from around the world to respond to the Global Conversation’s lead articles. These points of view do not necessarily represent the Lausanne Movement. They are designed to stimulate discussion fromRead more…
Did Jesus mean, “You must be born again,” or “You must be begotten again?”
Did Jesus mean, “You must be born again,” or “You must be begotten again?” By Rev. Richard Fisher, Founder of You Last Forever Ministries “You must be born again,” is often used by Christians to evangelize. It is taken fromRead more…
You Were Made to Last Forever
You were made to last forever. This sounds pretty amazing. We all pass funeral homes and cemeteries that argue otherwise. As a hospice chaplain ministering in the shadow of death I comfort hundreds of terminally ill patients and their families. Frequently I talkRead more…
What is Care and Counsel as Mission?
Author: Bradford M. Smith, Chair, Lausanne Care and Counsel as Mission Interest Group (LCCMIG) The Lausanne Care and Counsel as Mission Interest Group—the newest initiative within the Lausanne family of working and special interest groups is asking the question, “WhatRead more…
What is Care and Counsel as Mission?
Author: Bradford M. Smith, Chair, Lausanne Care and Counsel as Mission Interest Group (LCCMIG) The Lausanne Care and Counsel as Mission Interest Group—the newest initiative within the Lausanne family of working and special interest groups is asking the question, “WhatRead more…
Breaking through can hurt
We develop relationships with churches of other cultures so we can learn from each other; so we can grow into a deeper, less culturally bound experience the God’s kingdom. If cross-cultural insights for spiritual growth are our goal, how doRead more…
Less is More: Discipling Chinese Believers In A Cross-Cultural Setting
Based on personal experience, this posting is a slightly expanded form of an article originally published in the quarterly journal ChinaSource. It is common knowledge in the West that Chinese believers are godly, holy warriors of the faith, having beenRead more…
Kingdom opportunities in the technology industry.
Much has been written about the impact of media and technology in current mission strategies. There is an exciting future in the application of these changes to our global kingdom strategies. I believe that with the development of technology thereRead more…