It is again time for the 40 Acts campaign – do 40 different generosity acts during Lent! The new theme for 2016 is ’Jesus at our table’. Jesus ate with sinners and with church leaders; he ate with thousands andRead more…
Fixating on finances restricts the potential of corporate charity partnerships
Forster’s recent study of the charity sector reveals how corporate partnerships are being limited by cultural challenges and the over-emphasis on the bottom line. Although it sounds counter-intuitive to say that fundraisers should be looking beyond financial targets, we believe that doingRead more…
Fighting Against Snapchat Disciples
School-aged boys in Jesus’s day (back in the old days) were known and even expected to memorize the entire Jewish Bible (the Tanakh or the Old Testament). If they wanted to be chosen to follow any of the leading Rabbis,Read more…
European Strategic Initiative (ESI) – Overview
The European Strategic Initiative is a research strategy to assist donors, both inside and outside Europe, to connect with strategic, biblically faithful ministries and churches in Europe. The specific goals are: To support the re-evangelization of Europe, the development andRead more…
We’ve Seen the Future and It Is…Collaborative!
This is a very interesting blog on leadership skills in the social sector. Since social engagement is an integrated part of the life of a spiritual leader, it is important to Christian leaders as well. A social sector leader needs toRead more…
Opening Up: Demystifying Funder Transparency
Relationships between donors and ministries can cause much anxiety. The Opening Up: Demystifying Funder Transparency report from Grantcraft explores how transparency can strengthen credibility, improve grantee relationships, facilitate greater collaboration, increase public trust, reduce duplication of effort, and build communities of sharedRead more…
Rereading “Collective Impact”: Three Lessons
One of the many lessons I’ve learned since the first “Collective Impact” article by John Kania and Mark Kramer disrupted my life three years ago is that all collaborations go through cycles. And asLiz Weaver, vice president of the Tamarack Institute,Read more…
Gandhi once said, “There is enough for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed.” This often quoted phrase began as an encouragement to me. “That’s right!” I thought. “The needs of the world are not greater than our resources.”Read more…
How Strong is Your Network?
Discovering the Strengths of Your Network by Kevin Boer Do you know your network’s strengths? Networks, like people, develop their own personality and strengths. A network’s strengths are the qualities that help your network live out the unique vision God has givenRead more…
Pray for Unity, then Revival?
Humility: The Foundation for Unity January 21, 2013 Paul Fleischmann Lessons from the Journey, Networking Principles,Results of NetworkingNo comments Billy Graham said, “The greatest need among Christians and churches today is for genuine spiritual revival. Whenever God has touched His people inRead more…