Missions Africa Trust Fund Brochure

The Missions Africa Trust Fund is an African mission giving initiative. The attached brochure gives more information about this initiative.

The Ecumenical Stewardship Center – A Network for Growing Stewards

The Ecumenical Stewardship Center in the US provides resources that encourage the development of generous giving and faithful stewardship as transformational spiritual practices for Christian faith communities and their leaders. Various resources can be ordered from the the webstore https://stewardshipresources.org/resources.Read more…

Generosity at Christmas

God’s call for his church at Christmas is to be generous – both with our time and our resources. Leadership Network is working with 10 churches in Europe on the topic of generosity. We asked the Senior Leaders in thisRead more…

True of False: Myths of the Christian Donor

Some of the common myths related to Christian donors are actually quite true, while others are less factual. This very interesting research by Grey Matter on US Christian donors shows that about the only common myth about Christian donors that proveRead more…