Truth & Secularity

As we head towards the global consultation in SA, we are being invited to reflect on issues affecting the church, the gospel and truth, particularly as we face a growing secularity in many quarters. Paul Johnson wrote of “the birthRead more…

The occidental missions (English & Spanish)

The occidental missions and their roll in the third millennium  “Join with others in following my example,  brothers, and take note of those who live according to the pattern we gave you” Php. 3:17  The roll the occidental missions willRead more…

Iberoamerican Church and the Missions Movement

A time for gratitude: A church that experiences the work of the Holy Spirit  “And the hand of the Lord was with them, and a great number believed and turned to the Lord.” (Acts 11:21).  To begin with, we wantRead more…

12 Intriguing Megachurch Trends

  by Warren Bird Does it surprise you that among megachurches…? 62% are multisite, up from 46% five years ago 30% host an online campus (more than just streaming) 57% serve Communion always or often as part of worship almostRead more…

Fighting Against Snapchat Disciples

School-aged boys in Jesus’s day (back in the old days) were known and even expected to memorize the entire Jewish Bible (the Tanakh or the Old Testament).  If they wanted to be chosen to follow any of the leading Rabbis,Read more…

Free ePaper: Connecting God, the Gospel and Generosity

Here’s our contention.  You cannot separate God from the gospel or from generosity.  The three are distinctly woven together.  It’s kind of like the connection between Shakespear, tragic plays and MacBeth.  You almost never think of one without the otherRead more…