Robin in a Rainstorm

You know, single parenting can be like a robin in a rainstorm. Sometimes the loneliness of single parenting can seem almost unbearable. There is a better day coming. Storms don’t last forever, and there will be a rainbow in theRead more…

6 Principles of Good Discipline

Dr. Dobson talks about the six basic steps to good child discipline. Listen in as he provides brief insight into each one.

Safe Harbor for Children

Does your home provide an emotional safe harbor for your children — a place where they feel protected and nurtured? The measure of emotional safety at home can have lasting effects on the psychological well-being of your children.

Screaming at Trees and Children

Many parents, perhaps the majority, admit to losing their tempers and screaming at their kids from time to time. Usually we shrug it off assuming that not much harm was done. But is that really the case?

Boys Town

The late Mother Teresa once said, “We can do no great things, only small things with great love.” As you look back through history and see how some of society’s most significant contributions were brought about, you begin to understandRead more…

Impact of Divorce on Children

My marriage to my husband has been a very unsatisfying thing for me. I would divorce him if it were not for my concern for our three children. What does the research say about the impact of divorce on kids?Read more…

Planning a Mission Trip…Across the Street

It is summer, and summer means mission trips for many church leaders. I have organized a number of mission trips to far flung places over the years. Some of these trips have been more successful than others in terms ofRead more…

Offering every child a Christian worldview

If we are to evangelize and disciple the nations by reaching the children, we must give more serious consideration to educating the whole child with a Biblical worldview.  Together, we can.

Out of the mouths of babes…

In the church I currently serve I am able to work with children in grades K-5th who not only learn but also lead sometimes during worship. Sometimes the most amazing message from God can come from the mouth of aRead more…