the multi award-winning 40acts challenge is back for 2014!40acts is the challenge from Stewardship that invites you – and your communities – to turn Lent upside down. What if Lent could be about more than just giving up chocolate? WhatRead more…
Minority Report
Listening to voices of dissent and discontent can be hard. Listening to them well can be painful. Listening to people express tension when you have planned and worked so hard toward unity can be almost impossible. The voices are there. TheyRead more…
Out of Africa
Some thoughts on the importance and relevance of Cape Town 2010 – looking back at the changes in the world since the last congress and looking forward to the next 20 or more years.
Radio Series -children & youth -Children at risk 2
In this second episode of the radio series “Down to Earth” we focus on “children at risk”. Using the radio networks in Africa, we as a number of partner ministries engage leaders into the Global Conversation through radio. Please listenRead more…
Help! Youth is leaving the church! Youth does not know! Who cares?
Unseen, unheard, they just disappear. That is what is true for thousands of youth a month in Europe and beyond. And then there’s the millions who have no church connection at all. Do the churches care? Do we care atRead more…
Parenting God’s Way
Parenting God’s Way! “According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:” 2 Peter 1:3 As a father ofRead more…