European Economic Summit Declaration

The aims of the European Economic Summit is to introduce new paradigms on finance and economy based on Christian tradition, faith and thought and to present transformational businesses as new models for poverty alleviation and sustainable solutions. The European EconomicRead more…

What is Christ-Centered Generosity?

This week we released a new book called Christ Centered Generosity: Global Perspectives on the Biblical Call to a Generous Life (Kingdom Life Publishing, 2015). In this inspiring book thirty-three authors from twenty-two countries share stories and reflections on biblical generosity fromRead more…

Is God Opposed to Christians Making Lots of Money?

“Being Godly doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re going to be wealthy. God makes no such guarantees in the Bible, so goodbye, prosperity gospel…[But] God clearly is not opposed to wealth in a kind of blanket way. He’s not even opposed,Read more…

New book on Christ Centered Generosity

The Global Generosity Network (GGN), a network focused on encouraging Christians to be better stewards of their resources, and Kingdom Life Publishing, a publishing company devoted to educating and inspiring all people to be holistic stewards in God’s kingdom, partneredRead more…

Global Metro Monitor 2014

With only 20 percent of the population, the world’s 300 largest metropolitan economies accounted for nearly half of global output in 2014. The report compare growth patterns in the world’s 300 largest metro economies on two key economic indicators—annualized growthRead more…

My Impact – Fundamentals of Modern Philanthropy

My Impact – Fundamentals of Modern Philanthropy was launched in London at Impact Investing – Doing Well by Doing Good. It aims to advise family offices, HNWIs, asset managers and owners, NGOs and intermediaries on a number of key issuesRead more…