Life Stewardship is grounded in the foundational truth that God is the Owner of all things. This truth has far-reaching impact into every single area of our lives. God owns our homes, our cars, our bank accounts, our investments, ourRead more…
An Old Testament Catalogue of Prayer
The People of Prayer Who prayed?: Abraham (Gen. 20:17); Isaac (Gen. 25:21); Moses (Ex. 9:30; Num. 11:2, 21:7; Dt. 9:20, 26; Ps. 90); Manoah (Jdg. 13:8), Hannah (1 Sam. 1:11, 2:1-10); Samuel (1 Sam. 7:5, 8:6, 8:21); David (2 Sam.Read more…
The Defining Characteristics of a Good and Faithful Steward
Jay Link looks at how a good and faithful steward should live. A Good and Faithful Steward Lives: an examined life a controlled life and a sacrificial life
Do All for the Glory of God
God’s Word indicates that His purpose in this world is to disclose His glory (splendor, honor, worth). Beginning with creation and continuing with Hispersonal interaction with earth’s inhabitants, everything God has done, is doing, and will do is designed toRead more…
The berbers in the Bible
The Bible talks about the berber people. What is said there is very interresting.
Fulfilled Prophecies Verify Biblical Truth
Consider this challenging statement—One can oppose and even disbelieve the truth of the Bible, but one cannot disprove any measurable fact mentioned in the Bible. Some biblical truths, like salvation, are accepted by faith. Other biblical truths, such as fulfilledRead more…
Strange Fire in Global Children’s Ministry Movement Minimizes Authority and Truth of Scripture
Since the 1970s, I have had a front row seat to the world and have witnessed firsthand the phenomenal rise of global children’s ministry. Over the past 40 years, more Christians, churches, religious groups, and resources have been committed toRead more…
A Dream of a Global Christian Culture of Biblical Stewardship, Generous Living and Kingdom Focused Giving
A few weeks ago I attended a seminar in the British Houses Parliament on changes needed to facilitate global sustainable economic development in the future. As often in these discussions, economic inequality was mentioned as one of the priority areasRead more…
L a Manera del Hombre vs La Manera de Dios
The Spanish translation of 30 Bible financial principles: man’s ways vs God’s way
Blessed to be a blessing
This is the Executive Summary of an exciting new initiative in South Africa that mobilises generosity and giving through voluntary service or the giving of time. Working closely with local churches, this model could be used in other contexts asRead more…